Chapter 13: Alvin

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"What Alvin?"

"What are you going to do about Eudon?"

"What do you mean Alvin?"

"It's dangerous to keep him down there, if he get out he can whip us all out!"

"Do you have any suggestions?!"

"Cedrik! You know what you should do!"

"I'm afraid I don't, but if you're suggesting what I think you are then you should really reconsider."

"W-we, we can't let him live!"

"Alvin, do you wish to die?! That's my brother, the rightful air to this throne, we can't just kill him!"

"But can he kill you?! Because I think he can and if he breaks out he will! He isn't the same person we know and loved!"

"Raise your sword!"

He plans on fighting me! Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't want anyone to die because Eudon isn't himself anymore. But I can't fight Cedrik right now.

"Fight me you idiot! Who do you want to kill?! Who?!!!"

Just as Cedrik charged at me, Jarin teleported in front of him!

"Cedrik I have news!"

"Not now Jarin, I'm teaching the world's smartest dummy a lesson!"

"It's about Eudon, we can still help him. I also have details on our real enemy."


Cedrik dropped his sword, and dropped to his knee. I can't believe it! He really must be under someone's control this whole time. And when he was hesitating, maybe that was him fighting it.

"C-Cedrik, I'm sorry."

"Alvin you dummy. Next time I won't forgive you!"

"Jarin, speak."

Jarin told us everything. He told us how he met their leader and how he said he was controlling Eudon. He told us about his partner, who paralyzed him with a simple touch. He told us about their plan to take over the country, and then the Tri-Amnis. And lastly, he told us their leader Incendium demanded to fight Eudon, or he'd kill them all instantly.

"He's insane! He thinks he can kill us all?!"

"Cedrik, my brother saw them fight!"

"And what?!"

"He said Incendium almost killed them all, and that Eudon had to use multiple Flickers to finish him. If it's true he survived, then he could be strong enough to do it."

"You're sure of this?"

"It's true, Kalvin told me everything. Eudon locked himself in his house for three days afterwards."

"And then dad..."

"Dad died in a house fire. He went to visit an old friend, but was tricked and killed by Incendium."

I looked behind me, and with fear and awe in my heart, I saw Eudon.

"Brother you smart as ever I see, when did you figure it out?"

"Shortly after being named Emperor. Once I figured it out, they must've sent someone to brainwash me. When Ryia took my energy it slowly drained the effects. I'm sorry let myself be controlled."

"I'm just glad you're back!"

As the two hugged, a thought crossed my mind.

"Hey who let you out Eudon?"

"Oh, Ryia did."

"Well where she?

"I'm right behind you!

I turn around to see the entire Equos Undecim. They must've come through the back room of the throne room.

"I gathered everyone after I released him. We heard everything."

"So what do you plan on doing now, Eudon?"

"We train, and meanwhile we invite them to fight us, tournament style. If they are as strong as I think, an all out battle in the middle of some part of the kingdom would end with a lot of casualties, and if they have good teamwork, we could be a part of the body count. Instead, we single them out, and agree that if they win, they get to take over."

"Isn't that dangerous too? What if we don't win?"

"Simple, we just get out there and win, that's why we are training first. This is no time to have any doubt in your heart, or you could end up being the weak link."

"Brother, does this mean your taking your throne back?"

"For now yes, me and Incendium must finish our battle before I can hand the reins over."

"Well then you have our full support, brother. We have three meetings set up, and in between we will train with you. We are in your hands once again, Emperor Eudon."

"Quit with the Emperor stuff, I'm just Eudon."

As Bryce starts laughing and cracking jokes, I look around at our group, with a whole new recognition of how great everyone truly is. Before it's all over, I just hope I can tell them all how great it's been being by their side all these years.

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