Twenty Four

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She felt something brush against the back of her neck. Snuggled deep into the soft mattress and duvet, Morgan let out a small sigh as she buried herself under the covers further. She felt nice, warm and safe. Something warm was wrapped around her waist and when she snuggled into it deeper, the grip around her waist tightened. She could also feel her legs tangled with another pair.

Wait a damn minute.

Realization dawned on her and she yelped, pushing away Carlos as she scampered to the corner of the bed- almost knocking herself off the edge. Jerked awake with her hasty movements Carlos rubbed his eyes with a groan. "What the fuck?" he groaned out and rubbed his thigh where her heel had made contact with when she pushed him off.

"What happened to the damn pillow?" she hissed, internally slapping herself out of the trance his husky morning voice had put her in. Carlos let out another groan as he sat up and looked around himself. Their gazes fell on the pillow which had somehow managed to end up on her side of the bed.

"Are you trying to seduce me Reyes?" Carlos asked with a wink as he gestured towards the pillow.

"You probably put it there you pervert," she snapped as she pulled herself out of bed, trying to get as much distance as she could between herself and Carlos. "You pushed the pillow to my side," she said frustratedly.

Carlos chuckled, "Yeah sure of course I did. I was in the mood to spoon," he said sarcastically.

"Stop being a weirdo."

"You're the one who suggested that we share a bed. Maybe you wanted to seduce me," he said wriggling his eyebrows at her in the process.

She flung the pillow at him.

"Fuck you," she said unable to hide the smile on her face as the pillow slapped him right in the face.

He chucked it back at her, hitting her right in the face too.

Carlos laughed as she threw it back at him but this time he saw it coming and ducked. "You have terrible aim," he said as he snuggled back under the covers.

"What are you doing?" she asked incredulously.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going back to sleep. It's five am."

She glanced at the digital clock on her bed stand. Damn he was right. For once at least. "Shouldn't you be out training or something?" she asked.

Carlos shook his head as he pulled the covers up to his chin, "Todays media day. I need to be at the circuit at nine. I'll hit the gym later on in the evening."

She sighed and stared at the empty space beside him. With all the pain meds she was taking she did feel drowsy enough to want some more sleep but Morgan wasn't sure if getting back into bed with Carlos was the right way to do it. She was contemplating sleeping on the couch when he opened one eye and peeked at her from under his lashes. "Come back to bed I promise I won't try to spoon you again- even though you'd most probably force me to," he said shooting her a cocky grin in the process. Morgan growled at him as she cautiously crawled back into bed but this time ensuring that she put as much distance as she could between both himself and her. For extra good measure she took both her pillows and put them as a barricade between them. Fuck it. She didn't need a pillow to rest her head on.

She was slowly drifting back to sleep when a pillow landed heavily on her head. "Don't argue with me, if you sleep without a pillow you'll fuck up your neck," Carlos mumbled from the other side of the barricade. She shot him a glare before taking his spare pillow and resting her head on it. Fucking bastard. Fucking gentleman.

Not That Into You: a Carlos Sainz fanficWhere stories live. Discover now