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"Mate you didn't tell me that you drove her to the airport!" Charles exclaimed as he closed their room door after him. It took Carlos some time to get used to the old Victorian settings of the room, it looked like it was taken right out of a history book and fairly so seeing that this was some ancestral home that belonged to a Duke a long time ago. Well that's what they were told during one of the tours an agent had given them upon arrival to this place.

"Carlos. Carlos!" Charles snapped his fingers in front of Carlos's face, "Now is not the time to blank out mate, tell me what happened,"

And he did tell Charles everything.

When he was done he looked up at Charles who looked like he didn't know whether he should grin or frown. "That's terrible luck," his teammate finally said, "D'you reckon she was on one of her assignments when she bumped into you?" Charles asked. "I don't know, although she was very quick to snap at me," he said with a frown as he placed his suitcase on his bed and unzipped it, pulling out some clothes in the process. He hadn't pegged her for the volatile type although he had to admit he didn't know much about her even after their shared car ride together. Now that he was thinking about it, Morgan didn't reveal a single personal detail about her life and from what she did, it was a cover up for the real line of work she was involved in.

Jenna was right, she was a ghost.

Charles placed his hand on Carlos's back reassuringly, "I'm sure it won't be that bad,"

"What won't be?"

"Pretending to be her boyfriend,"

Fuck. With everything that had happened in the last half an hour Carlos had forgotten about the most crucial part of her new job. She was to masquerade as his girlfriend, he wasn't sure if it was something he looked forward to.

"Dibs on using the bathroom first!" Charles called out as he hurried to the bathroom before Carlos could make a sprint to it.

"Fuck sake Charles you take forever!"

His teammate laughed as he closed the door after him, "read a book or maybe you can use this time to think of ways to not annoy your new girlfriend,"

For fucks sake.


An agent was sent to their rooms right when the clock stuck noon. Unaware of where exactly they were allowed to be in, both Charles and Carlos had spent their morning holed up in their room commenting on the weird tapestries that shrouded most of the furniture that sat here. Charles's opinion was that this room was haunted and the little girl who once slept here watches them go to sleep. "You should workout here just so that she has some entertainment and will be more merciful if she decides to kill us," Charles had joked.

The agent who had come to get them was a man who looked like he'd be anywhere but here, escorting them to the main base operations. Charles and Carlos exchanged amused looks when he cleared his throat and turned on his heel, they took that as their cue to follow him.

As they walked down the corridors Carlos began to notice that the old Victorian feel of this house was slowly changing to a more tech based spy camp one would only see in the movies. They took a flight of stairs to the basement where the agent used a bio scanner to let them in. Once inside both drivers took in the massive controls room that they had been brought into.

Different agents sat hunched over monitors, probably monitoring the other agents on their jobs Carlos mused. The ceilings were high and different maps and clocks covered the walls. Some agents were circling around what looked like 3D maps, moving different pieces across it. Some were nose deep in files, patiently reading all the contents and typing things down into their devices. At the centre of the room sat a massive glass room, from out here Carlos couldn't see inside it and it was only when the agent led them inside did Carlos realise that they were in a small conference room. Jenna was already there and beside her stood Hawk. Eight drivers sat at a round table, a file in front of each of them and Carlos realised that this was the team Morgan was in charge of.

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