Little room why so gloom? Your dark and cold and
filled with doom. You hide secrets in the night. Only
dark and no light. Your dirty mattress that smells of
mold,sweat and decay. Left me wondering, would I ever
leave one day?
Little room your not scary. Just the men my mom
refused to marry. Your one window that was always
closed. And the dark that seemed to leave me cold. If
you could speak, what would you say? Would you cover
for me while i run away?
Little room in the back. There was bright colors you
seemed to lack. Boxes on your floor, remnants of Crack.
Dirty mattress on the floor. But no light. No light to
show the secrets of you little room.
Little room you saw my doom. Did you ever wonder if
I'd leave you room? My last breath and your breath
that smelled of death. All alone we sat. And watched
the walls, the secrets Crack.
Everything i Can't Say
Poetryjust a collection of poems I wrote and my thoughts. trigger warning aime or all deal with trauma. ptsd. and other mental health issues