By: throwawayaccount7820

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 I (27m) have been married with my wife (28F) for 8 months now. When I married her, I was told to believe we both still had our V-cards because of religious reasons. But yesterday whilst we had some friends over we talked about how young kids these days have their first time and don't really wait until marriage anymore. To which my wife responded with "Waiting till marriage doesn't make sense anyways, there are so many safe options now". I chose not to respond and just listen whilst our friend group had a discussion about it. Later that day I asked my wife if she regrets waiting until marriage to which she responded: "I didn't wait I wanted to tell u but i never felt comfortable sharing it". I have to admit then i got furious and said some things I regret saying (Name-calling etc.) and told her to leave my house (her parents live 10 minutes away). I feel like I've been manipulated and that I've been keeping to myself for nothing (we had been dating for 7 months before we married). When she returned the day after I asked her what her real body count was and she told me it was with me included 17, To which she added that most of those were only a 1 time thing and nothing felt more like real love then with me. I told her that she had a month to pack her stuff and we are getting a divorce (thankfully we signed a strong prenup that stated that in any divorce no matter the reason our assets would not be divided, she agreed because she is the only grandchild of very very rich grandparents). My friends and her family have been blowing me up saying that this is no reason to divorce since it has nothing to do with our relationship or marriage, but I disagree if I knew she didn't have her v-card I would have never married her.


Since it was unclear; She flat out told me she was a virgin too when we started dating, I told her I was waiting till marriage.

After that I didn't explicitly say I wanted a wife who was also waiting, but there was no reason too since she was a virgin.

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