By: Melaniemarteniz

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-by sleeping I literally mean sleeping, like snoozing.

Me (26f) and my husband (27m) have been married for 7 years, and together for a total of 11 years. We have always been happy with each other and I love my husband with everything in me, but recently he has been complaining about how I use too many blankets and he gets too hot, I snuggle him too much, I use too many pillows, I go to bed too early/too late (it changes), and more stuff like that. So I promised him I would go to bed when he did, I would use only one pillow, and one blanket, and I wouldn't cuddle with him anymore. He didn't think that was good enough, he is refusing to sleep in the same bed as me, he sleeps in our guest room while I sleep alone. This has been going on for almost three months, and we haven't had sex a single time. He's never complained about my sex, he's just been refusing. He tells me things like "if we aren't in the same bed why would we have sex?" And stuff like that. I have a high sex drive and so does he, early into our marriage we would have sex about three times a week. But that's not what I'm complaining about, I miss my husband, ever since he started sleeping away from me he has barely spoke to me. He gets up at 6am every day, leaves at 8am, and gets back home at 7-8pm, his job hours are 9-5, I don't know where he is going. I feel unwanted. So back to my point, recently my friend (26f) got divorced, she couldn't afford her house so I let her move in with me, I've known her since she we were both two. Now she does have her own room but she is having the same problem as me, she feels lonely and unwanted, so we sleep in the same bed every night, we don't have sex, we just cuddle. Now I will admit sometimes I give her small kisses on the forehead and she does the same to me, but my love language is touch, so if I can't touch my husband I'll need someone else to kiss, I've never touched her lips once, we've never done anything more then goodnight kisses on the cheek or forehead. We have been snuggling together for about 3 weeks now and my husband is pissed. He told my whole (homophobic) family that I kicked him out of our bedroom so I can sleep with a girl. I just need advice and to know if I'm the ahole for snuggling with someone else. My husband is yelling at me almost every night now, he has thrown stuff, broken plates, i made him a fancy dinner so we can talk and catch up. He took the plate I made for him and threw it on the ground, creating a big mess. Yes he does pay the bills, my friend doesn't pay for anything, she is just simply too depressed. My whole family hates me now, his family, he does, the only one I have is my friend, and honestly she's not enough. I feel unwanted and lost. My husband called me a "h0e ass b*tch who doesn't know how to keep my hands out of women's pants"

Btw, neither my husband or I are homophobic, our families are religious and homophobic so that's why they are so pissed at me.

Edit- this is a throwaway account

Edit- he just got home, I'm gonna try to talk to him now.

!!Update!! We had about an hour long talk, I cried, he did a bit too, we want each other and we love each other. I read some people say that he could have ED so I discussed it with him. I admitted to be kissing my friends forehead and cheeks, there he did get a bit pissed but he admitted to cheating on me as well. We decided therapy or divorce will be the best option. Thank you for all the advice, we will not be sleeping together again (my friend and I) and my husband and I are thinking about starting to do so again. I feel really bad, the reason he was coming home late was because he would drink away the fact that he cheated on me. He said he is going to cook for me tomorrow, thank you to all the comments that had me talk to him. I feel so much better, my friend is pissed I won't allow her to sleep with me Anymore so she is moving out. I think she had feelings for me. I'm not sure what to do with her, I lost my friend but (may?) have gained back my husband. I don't know what to do really

Small update- I'm seeking therapy and a divorce lawyer.

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