Chapter 14

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Kim hated grocery shopping with the kids, but she was thankful it was just Adam, Sean was at home, Liam and Dani still with her parents.

"Mom, can we get these cookies?" Adam asked picking up a bag "even dad likes this kind" he tossed the bag in the shopping cart, "oh, and we need chips too"

She laughed, "your dad likes any kind, and next time you're staying with grandma and grandpa" their weekly shopping bill seemed to go up every week, she watched as Adam took off for the ice cream aisle, he was his father's son.

"Let's go Adam" she called to him, she headed towards the registers, "hi" she said politely to the woman in front of her. She was becoming annoyed with Adam, "let's go" she said again, Adam still at the frozen section "Adam James Ruzek, now!"

The woman in front's head spun around, "Did you just say Ruzek?" She asked her.

Kim thought the woman's face was familiar, unnerved by her question "yes, why do you ask?"

"You're Kim, right?" Wendy asked extending her hand.

"I am" Kim shook her hand "and you are?"

"I'm Wendy, Adam didn't tell you?" judging by Kim's expression Wendy knew he hadn't "I ran into him at the gym the other day" she watched as the little boy finally showed up, his resemblance to Adam uncanny "wow, he looks just like his dad"

Kim could feel her blood boil, "yes, he does look like Adam" her reply short and tense, she watched as Wendy paid for her items and started to leave.

"It was nice meeting you Kim, tell Adam I said hi" Wendy said watching Kim look uncomfortable.

Adam looked confused "mom, who was that, how did she know dad?"

Kim looked at him "it's someone your dad used to know" she was too busy figuring out how she would approach Adam with this to really respond to her son. "Let's finish up" she was anxious to get home.

"You okay honey?" Elaine thought Kim was aggravated "did something happen?"

Kim gathered Liam and Dani and their toys "no, I'm okay" she put the kids in the car, "thanks again mom,love you guys"

Adam heard the car door, he put the file in the drawer and went to help unload groceries, "hey little Ruzek's" he said as they rushed inside"Adam, get back out here and help"

"Mom, said you would do it, that I could go play video games" he said.

"Hey, you" Adam said as he leaned in to kiss Kim, shocked when she turned to offer her cheek "long day?"

Kim looked at him from the corner of her eye "something like that" her brain was in overdrive, how come he hadn't told her about Wendy was her only thought on the ride home and all she could think about now.

He knew she was giving him the cold shoulder, he'd swear that the temperature dropped twenty degrees when he tried to kiss her, she sat the last bag on the table and started to unpack them.

Adam grabbed her wrist "is something wrong?" already having gone through a mental checklist and came up empty.

Kim looked over her shoulder at him, noticing the dumbfounded look on his face, "you tell me, Adam" she put last remaining items away and went and sat down on the couch iPad in hand.

"Really, Kim?" It was obvious the silent treatment had begun, "whatever" he left for the office slamming the door behind him, as he sat at the desk he drew a blank on what had pissed her off.

Wendy couldn't help but smile, Adam had been such a dick when they ran into each other at the gym that she couldn't rests it when she saw Kim. The look on the woman's face when she mentioned seeing Adam was priceless, how typical of him not to tell his wife that his ex-fiancé was in town.

The older boys had cleaned the kitchen up after dinner, Liam and Dani both sleeping Kim headed to the bedroom "I'm exhausted, Adam if you need anything ask your father" she said ignoring Adam who was laying on the couch watching television.

"Got it, mom" he told her.

"Hey buddy?" Adam sat up he knew little Adam had spent the afternoon with Kim maybe he knew what was up "did something upset your mom today?" he hated asking him, but something was off.

"I don't think so" he taped the blade of his new hockey stick, stopping mid-turn "wait, yeah some lady" he said as he cut the tape and flattened it against the blade.

"What lady?" Adam asked turning the television off "boy, what lady?"

Adam put the stick in the closet and went back to the couch, taking the remote off the coffee table and turning the television and searched for something to watch.

Reaching out and snatching the remote out of his son's hands, "what lady Adam?"

"I don't know her or her name" he plopped back in the couch unsure of why he was now in trouble, his dad sounding mad. "Wait, mom, said it was some lady you used to know, the lady said that I look like you"

"Go play video games with Sean" he told Adam, he needed to fix things.

It was that instant that he knew it was Wendy "son of a bitch"

Adam went to their bedroom, he tried to open the door finding it locked "c'mon, let me in" he said through the door "let me explain"

Kim went and unlocked the door, returning to the bed without saying a word to Adam, she pretended to read as he sat down.

"Can you put the iPad down, please" he knew he blew it by not telling her that night, but with all that had gone on that day he didn't want to talk about it. "You saw Wendy,didn't you?"

She threw the iPad on the bed "I did, it was very similar to an ambush, Adam had wandered off and I had called his name a few times, when he didn't listen I used his full name" she told him "and the woman in front of me, who I would soon learn was Wendy, she thoroughly enjoyed telling me she ran into you at the gym" she trusted him more than anything, but this hurt her feelings. "How come you didn't tell me?"

Adam leaned back "it was the day intelligence pinched the guy who killed Sean, I was in a shit mood because Voight took me off the case" he told her "I needed to blow off steam, so I went to the gym, and she ended up on the treadmill next to me" he took her hand "I should have told you that night, I'm sorry"

He gave her that look, the same look all of her children gave her when they wanted her to soften even Liam had figured it out "don't give me those eyes Detective, I'm mad at you" she told him.

Adam moved closer to her, "you know the little kids are asleep and Sean and Adam are in the midst of a video game battle" he wiggled his eyebrows."you know you want me"

Kim smiled at him "you are a fool Adam Ruzek, you know that right?" she asked him, her lips covering his not giving him a chance to respond.

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