Part 2

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Meredith was frozen in place as Hank rounded the corner, something about the look on his face told her it was bad.

"Hank?" She said as she sat the shopping bags at her feet, "why are you here?" She noticed the blood on his shirt, "tell me that isn't Al's blood"

"Let's go inside" he looked around "where's Lexi?"

"She's at a friend's house, why?" She picked the bags up, Hank taking them from her as she unlocked the door, "it's Al isn't it?"

Hank couldn't keep it together any longer "I'm so sorry, Meredith, he was killed this morning" he caught her when she dropped to her knees.

She punched his chest, he struggled to hold her, finally she relented and cried in his arms.

"Uncle Jay, I want to see my dad" Adam said as he picked at the fries on his plate, "why isn't my mom coming to get us?"

Kevin put his hand on his shoulder, "Listen, your dad looks bad right now, those guys did a number on him. I bet your mom just doesn't want you to see him that way" he told him "just remember he's awake, he is going to be okay"

"I guess, but it stinks." He tilted the chair back, "all of this stinks"

"I need some air" Sean said as he stood up, he couldn't take it anymore. "I have my phone just call me"

"Wait Sean, don't go" Erin called out as he walked away.

"I will be fine" he told her.

"You should let him go, he doesn't like anyone to see him sad" Adam said, "I bet he's going to visit Uncle Sean's grave"

"He do that a lot?" Jay asked.

"Mostly when he's sad, like when I shot myself or if he's mad at dad for something which has been a lot lately" he told them as he took a bite of the cheeseburger "Dad's been yelling at him a lot"

"For what?" Jay asked.

"I don't really know, I don't ask"

Sean sat down by the headstone, he cleared some twigs and swept some dirt from it.  "Thanks for looking out for my dad, Uncle Sean. I know you had something to do with it, but I'm still so scared" he spoke "I'm worried about him, when he finds out Uncle Al died it's going to kill him, he was like a father to him" he wiped his eyes, "I miss you, Emma is getting so big, man she looks just like you it's wild" he stood up, he kissed his hand and placed it on the headstone "I better get back to the hospital, I love you and miss you every day"

"No! No! No!" Adam yelled out in his sleep, his heart rate spiking setting alarms off scaring Kim.

She raced to his side grabbing his hand "Adam, it's okay you're safe. Calm down baby, please" she said through tears, "baby wake up, it's okay"

A nurse rushed in "please step outside Mrs. Ruzek" she told her, "just for a  minute please"

Kim was in the hallway when Sean returned, and made his way to Adam's room.

She was sitting in a chair, "Mom, what's wrong are you crying?" Sean asked as he kneeled in front of her "is it dad did something happen?"

She looked up "no honey, nothing's changed. Your dad was having a nightmare and his heart rate spiked, they asked me to leave the room while they calmed him down"

He sat beside her and took her hand in his "Mom, he's gonna be fine. Uncle Sean made sure of it"

She smiled, "you think so?"

"Yea, I do"

The nurse came out, "you can go back inside, he's awake and has calmed down, he's asking for you"

It Isn't Fair (make sure to read Forever and Together first)Where stories live. Discover now