Chapter 16

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"You're moving?" Sean sat on the floor next to Emma "will I get to see you again?"

Jen felt the tears she was fighting back begin to fall, "you can come visit, my family has a house on the beach, and one of my brothers can teach you to surf" she explained "you can come all summer"

"That sounds like fun doesn't it man?" Adam smiled "I may have to spend the summer in Jersey too"

"Don't count on it detective" Kim teased him, "it'll all work out Sean"

Wendy wasn't going to let Adam off the hook, he had pissed her off that night at the gym.

She walked in the doors of the 21st,noticing that miserable desk sergeant that always called Adam some ridiculous name.

Trudy couldn't believe her eyes when the witch walked in the door, "can I help you?" beating her to the punch.

Wendy gave her a dirty look "is Adam here?"

Trudy laughed, "you mean Detective Ruzek, right?"

"Yes, he's expecting me" she lied.

"He's out" Trudy told her, she didn't understand why Adam would be expecting a visit from the wicked witch. "Do you want to leave a message?"

"No, I will just call him" Wendy said as she turned on her heels and left, she just wanted to plant the seed that Adam was straying from his marriage.

"Special Sauce!" Trudy called him as soon as he stepped foot inside,"get your ass over here, now!"

"What the hell did you do now?" Olinsky laughed, "you look terrified, man"

"What's up sarge?" he asked.

She came up from behind the desk and pointed to an empty office "get your ass in there, we need to talk" she followed him in closing the door "you want to tell my why the wicked witch was in my district this morning looking for you"

Adam was puzzled "the wicked witch?" he sat down "you're gonna have to give me a hint"


Adam groaned "I don't know, she's been back in town a few weeks, I don't know what she wants" he ran a hand through his hair "I think I may have a problem, she's sent me a few text messages, I've been ignoring them"

"You better take care of it, Adam" she got in his face "Kim means the world to me, you better not break her heart, if you do I will snap you in two" she left him in the office alone with his thoughts.

"He's made a lot of progress Mrs.Ruzek, he's become more verbal and he's interacting more with the staff" Kim was overjoyed to hear Liam's teacher talk of his progress.

"That's fantastic, I've noticed it at home too, even aggravating his little sister" she smiled at the memory "I think Adam has had a lot to do with it, he's had a bit of epiphany"

"That's wonderful, I knew he would come around, took a little longer than I thought but I'm pleased for your entire family" Mrs.Burns said as she gave Liam his backpack and said goodbye.

"Let's go see daddy, Liam" she said as they walked the few blocks the to the district.

"Well, look who it is" Wendy said as Kim and Liam approached her "another little Adam, how did the world get so lucky"

"Not Adam, me Liam" Liam corrected her, his eyes on focused on the street "not Adam, not Adam"

Wendy stared at the little boy "something wrong with him?" watching as he flapped his hands.

Kim felt her face redden "there is nothing wrong with him, and his name is Liam, he doesn't like to be called by his brother's name" she wondered how long Wendy would be in town, she didn't enjoy bumping in to her and there was something off with the the way she looked at both boys now. "We have to go, excuse me" she said as she walked towards the district.

Liam took off up the steps, he knew by now that Trudy kept lollipops behind the desk, Kim heard him call out"Aunt Trudy, lollipop Liam" laughing as he jumped up and down.

"Hey Mr.Liam, Adam's in that office" Trudy pointed towards the office, Kim could see Adam looked aggravated "I will take care of this one"

"Detective" Kim said from the doorway, "are you alright?"

"No" Adam replied "sit down we need to talk" he led her to the chair and he sat on the desk, "Wendy came by earlier"

"We just ran into her, she set Liam off, when she referred to him as another Adam and then she wanted to know what was wrong with him" just relaying the conversation made her angry "Adam, I wanted to slap her"

"That I would pay good money to see" he laughed, "she's sent me a couple of text messages, how do you want to handle this?"

"You take care of it Adam, she needs to stay away from my children" Kim stood up "I mean it Adam, she comes near my kids again I may not be able to control myself"

Adam took her hands in his "you're getting feisty, all mother bear on me" he smirked "I kinda like it"

"She needs to stay away from you too" Kim kissed him.

"Yucky!"Liam voicing his displeasure.

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