Yoonie - When he's non-verbal

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"Yoonie baby? Did you have a nice nap sweetheart?" Hoseok stroked the baby's back as he woke up, small whines coming from him as he searched for his paci.

Hoseok spotted the pacifier on the floor, along with his stuffie.

He put the now dirty pacifier in his pocket and grabbed a clean one from the box, pressing it into Yoonies mouth and tucking the stuffie in next to him.

"Time to wake up pumpkin, we can get you a bottle and then you can have some playtime hmm?" He mumbled, gently hoisting the little up under his arms and into his lap.

Yoonie rubbed his eyes cutely, before gazing up at his caregiver with big eyes and softly smiling at him.

Hoseok smiled, it was so lovely when their baby allowed himself to be taken care of, just to let go of all his stress and relax.

He was often non-verbal in little space, a quiet and docile baby who just wanted to cuddle.

God did the members swoon over him when he was little, so much so that when he was big he got super embarrassed whenever they mentioned how cute he was.

The baby just sighed, climbing into Hoseok lap and hugging him, his eyes slipping closed again.

Hoseok smiled softly, patting his back before standing up with him, taking him downstairs to get his bottle.

"Look who's up!" Hoseok turned the baby to face everyone, who grinned as he scanned the room before burying his face back in Hoseoks shoulder, paci still going in and out.

"Let's get that bottle bubs..." he mumbed, putting Yoonie down on the floor by his feet as he quickly got a bottle together, the Baby playing with his fingers and staring up at him.

"Here we go baby, let's go sit down hmm?" Yoonie had already began rapidly crawling to the living room at such an incredible speed Hoseok had to run after him.

Namjoon and Jin chuckled when the bundle raced in, coming to a stop in front of the sofa and staring up at Hoseok expectantly.

He sat down, before leaning down and picking Yoonie up, settling him on his lap and taking his paci, pressing the bottle to his mouth before he could fuss.

They sat comfortably for a while, Yoonie drinking has bottle and all 6 members looking at him fondly, absolutely boundless love in their eyes.

When Yoonie finished his bottle, Jin tried to give him some of his toys to play with.

But their baby was uninterested, he just did grabby hands to Jimin, who picked him up with a big smile, letting him snuggle into his chest.

It seemed that today, baby just wanted to cuddle and be loved...

A/N: I think I might stop or at least pause this book on 50 chapters, I'm not really feeling it anymore and I don't have a lot of ideas for it, so if you have something you want to see in this particular book go ahead and comment it!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to FOLLOW ME and check out my other books! Backup acc: hoseokkphile

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