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I don't know how long I was unconscious.
When I woke up in that familiar hospital bed, the sun's rays shone through the drawn curtains.
I blinked a few times to get used to the darkness.

"Good, you're awake," said a voice not far from me.
I didn't mean to flinch, but the sudden sentence startled me. I recognized the voice so well, but still couldn't place it.
The steps echoed through the room as the person approached the large window across from me. Before I knew it, the now pleasant darkness had been replaced by the blinding rays of the sun.

In front of me stood a tall man with curly, brown hair that spread in all directions and edges. He wore a pair of large, black glasses. The sight of him made me blow out the air I was holding. I was glad it was him and no one else, but at the same time, something about him made me think back to the last thing I remembered before I passed out. His smile was the same, so was the twinkle in his eye. Eliott Stone looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"It's just you." I tried not to get too overwhelmed by how similar he and Liam had been.

"Who else would it be?" he smiled and came over to me in bed.

I shrugged as I sat up.

I had gotten a feeling in my chest as soon as the lights came on. A sting in the chest, pain.
Liam had been so much like his big brother that the sight of him now brought back all those feelings I felt back then.




I didn't know how I would get through the next semester without Liam's support. He may have conspired against Mr. Brock and Canai, but he had been honest. His fate had been unfair. Terribly unfair.

He didn't want to hurt anyone. He had saved my life and even died in the coup.

Liam hadn't been a monster. He hadn't been mean.

He'd been a hero.

Eliott's shout brought me back to reality again. "Aline!" he said. Looking at him, I noticed the worried expression that filled his eyes. He was worried about me.

I looked at him again. "I'm fine," I said. "Just got lost in my thoughts."

I watched him exhale, relieved that nothing had happened.

"Have you always had glasses?" I asked as he looked at me normally again. "I don't remember you having those the first time we met."

He laughed a little. "Was that what bothered you?" he said.

I nodded. That, among other things.

He sighed again. "To answer your question, yes, I always have. They were in for repairs the last time you were in the hospital, so I had to wear lenses then."

Aha. It was reasonable.

"Do you need anything else?" he then asked.

I shook my head. "No, I'm fine."

Eliott looked at me one last time. "Well, then," he said. "I'm around the corner if you need me."

As he was on his way out, I stopped him. "Eliott," I said.

He watched me.

I sighed deeply. "I need to know one thing."

A silence crept in as I pondered how to phrase myself. "Why are you helping me?" I finally asked.

He looked at me with glossy eyes. "Liam," he said. "My brother thought many things. But one thing was always certain: If he cared about someone, he made sure to protect them. He was willing to do anything to keep them safe. Even sacrifice himself." He paused for a moment, letting what he said sink in.

"He did it for you. When you were here last time, he came by one day and asked me to look after you while he was gone. I didn't understand what he meant at first, but it's crystal clear now. I promised him I'd do everything I could to continue his work."

I said nothing, didn't know what. A few seconds passed. Then I came up with something. "Thank you," I said.

He smiled. "Don't thank me," he replied with a wry smile. "It was you he died for."
Then he disappeared out the door and I was alone again.


Eliott forced me to stay in the hospital bed for a few more days, even though I was absolutely fine, physically.
When he questioned the mental part, I saw his point.

I hated having to admit he was right. Although I was fine physically, the same could not be said about the mental side. The pain of Liam's death was still fresh in my mind and if I was honest with myself I would probably never be the same again.

He didn't check on me as often as he did after my little display during the Duel, but stopped by a few times to see how I was doing.

I could not estimate how long I remained in the hospital. It felt like weeks, but it was probably only a few days. Time seemed to go slower than usual here.

When Eliott came to see me the next time, he had Tristan and Katie with him. Katie rushed over to the hospital bed. "Aline!" she exclaimed.

I glimpsed Tristan out of the corner of my eye as he moved from the doorway to approach us.

"What happened?" Katie continued. "How are you?"

I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't even know for sure myself.

"You... Liam..." She was stopped by Tristan who was now next to us.

"Leave her alone, Kat," he said. "She's been through a lot. Us nagging her doesn't make it any better."

Katie looked at me. "Sorry," she whispered.

I smiled. "You were worried. It's nothing to say sorry about."


The next day, Eliott finally thought I was well enough to avoid being in the hospital under his watch.

But as I was leaving with Tristan and Katie, I met Mom and Mr. Brock in the doorway.

"Aline...," said mother.

"...we need to talk," Mr. Brock concluded.

 Brock concluded

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