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The cool winter sun shone high over the small town, being the cause of the joyful laughter that was heard wherever you went. The town's market place had been decorated with whatever decorations the town folk had, making the stands a mismatch of snowflakes, reindeers and even small gingerbread stickers. However, somehow the mismatch made for a perfect Christmas feeling, that homely sort.
Simon remembered walking down these streets with his Mother and Father. He must've been 4 years old, because he knew Aline was yet to be born. This was one of the few moments he'd had with only his parents. He remembered it as a rather quiet and peaceful time. It was nice to get to re-experience that time again. The time before everything went wrong. Not that he blamed his sister for being the reason he came to be in this state. He absolutely didn't. It was he himself that had hid his struggles from his family, from his friends at Mystic. He most of all regretted keeping it from Aline. She'd really been affected the hardest, the deepest.
In the memory, Simon saw his 4 year old-self walk beside his parents, his hands in theirs. They headed toward Lady Henrietta's stand, where she sold the most delicious lemon and rhubarb tarts, with the secret ingredient that made the tarts so spectacularly delicious being a sprinkle of the sweetest vanilla in the meringue. Of course, Simon wasn't supposed to know that. But Lady Henrietta was his grandmother, as well as his father's tutor in baking, so she couldn't keep her secret from Simon. He'd pleaded too much. He'd been a very pleading child. Maybe that was one of the reasons he hadn't told anyone of his struggles. He'd been such an annoying kid that he didn't want to force his parents to listen to his thoughts anymore. He'd never wanted anyone to hear what was going on inside his head. His ability must have been confused about that, since it's only purpose was to see whatever was supposed to happen in one's life. His own thoughts of being a burden had made it take control over him. It had protected him. Or at least it thought it had.

 Or at least it thought it had

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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