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you shut the door behind u and held ur cheeks. u walked to ur couch and sat down. all the events ran thru ur mind at once and u felt like dying.

you just fucked a stranger who was in heat. in ur home. on the floor.

ur couch smelt like him, ur floor, ur walls. his scent was everywhere and it's gonna be in your bathroom now. who even is he?? u don't even know his name.

ur not sure if he's even aware of the situation you're both in right now.

u ran ur hands thru ur hair and groaned. ur such a hypocrite. u gave into ur instincts. he wasn't in his right mind. when he starts thinking straight he's gonna freak out and hate you.

you're a bad alpha. you're like every other alpha. no different than ur friends at school, or the ones who cornered him earlier.

bakugo was honestly right to think the way he does. if he was capable of killing all alphas, you wouldn't even mind.

you'd be honoured to be the first one he got rid of!!

u roll ur eyes as bakugo starts running thru ur mind. he's an odd guy, and he's a total troublemaker. lets focus on one problem at a time.

you hear the water running in the shower turn off. ur heart starts beating faster and ur chest feels tight. he's done. he's gonna come out. what did he think about? what's he gonna say?

you sit on the couch, it's suddenly so hot. u start sweating and u stare off into nothing as u wait for him to come out.

the door handle turns, u can hear it creek a little. he's being so slow.

u take a breathe and turn around to look at him. he's peaking at you behind the door. his hair is a mess and his face is red.

"uh, do u need something." its so awkward.

he looks at you nervously and speaks quietly. "clothes.."

you deadpanned and turn back around, covering ur face and silently screaming. he's gotta wear ur clothes now.

with a deep deep breathe, you stand up and nod. "wait there, i'll get something for you."

he nods back and closes the door, waiting in the heat of the bathroom.

you come back with sweatpants and a baggy shirt. you don't bother knocking, u just open the door and hand him the clothes, ignoring his flinch and desperate attempt to cover himself.

you roll ur eyes. "relax, you have nothing to hide from me yknow."

his face gets redder than red and he stands up, gently pushing u out. "just get out please!"

you let him do so and watch with slightly wide eyes as he shuts the door right in ur face. so yeah, he's definitely aware of this situation.

you take another deep breathe and decide to make both of u a smoothie so u can reenergize after all that... stuff.

it takes way longer than it should've until the extremely shy boy slowly emerged from the bathroom. he was probably sitting there wondering if he should just stay in there forever.

you look up and point to the blender full of smoothie.

his eyes seem to light up but they quickly dim as he walks over to the counter and sits down, grabbing the cup u gave him.

u take a sip from ur own cup and after a torturous moment if awkward silence, u cleared ur throat and looked at him.

"....how.. are you feeling?"

you were ready for an outburst. maybe crying, maybe yelling? who knows.

"i'm kinda sore.. but i'm okay."

u look at him like he's crazy. ur absolutely baffled at this response. he's okay??? he's KINDA sore??? who is this kid?????

"um are you sure?"

he looked up at you then back down at his smoothie. after a few seconds he covers his face with his hands and speaks quickly. "i'm so sorry for this! it's all my fault, i shouldn't have been outside and i-i shouldn't have tempted you like that! i swear i'm not actually like that- i cant believe this happened, i could've told u where my home was but i just let u take me!!!! that was the worst idea! i really hope you're not too angry...!"

you stare at him in shock and blink once. you could not believe this guy! was he even real??? was this a dream? you pinch urself under the counter before coughing slightly when u felt the pain.

you look at him and take a breathe. "no, i'm sorry. i took advantage of you and brought u to my home knowing it was a bad idea. this is my fault." you put ur hand to ur chest.

"of-of course not! i-i guess it was both of our faults...?" he smiles nervously.

u furrow ur brows. "you were in heat!"

he freezes and looks away. "i still feel horrible."

you look at him with a face of empathy. "me too. this was a horrible thing to do on my part. no one is themself when in heat or rutting and i took advantage of that. i completely violated your body"

his eyes widened and he shook his head. "what??? no! i consented!"

u tilt ur head. "u were in heat. anything u said wasnt really valid."

he sighs and furrows his brows. "i... was faking."

u blinked and stared at him in complete shock, waiting for him to elaborate.

"i-i mean i wasn't! i was in heat! it's just that... when u put me on ur couch, i was completely conscious. i knew what was happening and my heat was just about ending. i just..." he looks down and taps on his glass.

ur eyes get even wider if possible.

"my heats are always really bad so i've kind of gotten used to it... but you saved me.. and i had this chance... and took it."

ur jaw was on the floor at this point. he continues to avoid ur gaze and look down with a guilty expression.

you cleared ur throat and leaned forward. "so... you manipulated me?"

his eyes widened and he looked up at you. "no!! i-i wouldn't say manipulate..!" you felt so dumb. you were a dumb dog who fell for his tricks. although this does not at all excuse the fact that if he wasn't faking, this would 100% be your fault.

you sigh and drag ur hands down ur face before looking at him tiredly. "how about we split the guilt."

it takes him a moment but he nods and brings his hand out for a handshake. you shook ur head. "lets avoid touching.."

he blushed and took his hand away. "a-sure!"

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