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a while goes by. you texted "deku" or whatever his name is and you had a good talk. it was easier over text and you honestly hoped to never see him again. personally at least.

on your way home from school, you checked ur mail, it was empty.

you went home and found ur mom was home. it was strange. she never was.

she looks back at you from the kitchen, then quickly dismisses ur arrival.

you quietly greet her.

"come here."

you tense up, she wasn't exactly close to you. she wasn't ur real mother. a step mother i guess? ur father remarried after having you. ur real mother is an omega, and ur dad couldn't stand it. he remarried an alpha.

anyways, you listened and stood by the counter in the kitchen. "yes?"

you then feel that sweet scent around the house, all over it. you tried to cover it up but it just wouldn't go away.

she definitely smelt that.

you internally scream. you look down at the counter and see a pile of mail on it, some ripped open, one saying ur name on it.

you slowly pick it up and turn it around, the envelope was in fact for you, but that never stopped ur mom from opening ur things. you then check who it's from and u blink in confusion.

ur mom finally turns around and looks at you.

"it's from UA. you've been referred."

you furrow ur brows in confusion, it was already summer.

"whatr u talking about??"

she throws the letter ur way. "me and ur father talked with ur school and decided to send a letter of recommendation. they accepted a while ago and have now sent the date for the test."

you look at her like she's insane, grabbing the letter and reading it over.

"you're going"

your face scrunches up in annoyance. even if you wanted to, you don't anymore.

"why didn't u tell me earlier?"

"you might've rebelled."

you cover ur face in frustration, trying not to yell, or have an outburst.

"i haven't trained for this kind of thing.. and i dont want to be a hero."

she crosses her arms. "what do u want to be then?"

you pause, staring at the letter without a single answer in mind.

"exactly. you're going. they'll train you there and you'll pass the test easily bcuz of ur quirk." she said almost proudly. as if she had given you ur quirk.

the letter crumpled slightly in ur grip. you look up at her, having so much to say and nothing at the same time.

you take a deep breathe and slowly let it out before leaving to ur room. you knew there was no room to argue but you wanted to so bad.

you sit on ur bed and stare at the letter for a while before realizing, that boy is going there.

this now sucks even more.


you sat in class, head in ur hand, eyes threatening to shut.



you frown and look beside you. "what?"

"i heard ur going to UA, fancy~ i didn't know u wanted to be a hero."

you lay ur head on ur desk and sigh. "...yup."

you might go and just do whatever u can to get suspended. just to piss off ur parents.

you lift ur head slightly and take out ur phone, texting under ur desk.

you 2:30pm
hey katsuki it's y/n
where u going after summer?

Why the fuck do you wanna know?
And how did you get my number.
Delete it now.

i snagged it when u gave me ur phone 🤣
seriously tho where r u going

katsuki 2:35pm
Delete my number

me 2:35pm
i'm going to ua !😜

katsuki 2:37pm
For hero's?

me 2:37pm

katsuki 2:45pm
Delete my number.

sigh. cant communicate even on text.

bakugo meanwhile, glares at ur text with hatred, renaming you virus and giving you an ugly picture, bcuz that's just how he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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