Wrong Classroom?

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For all intents and purposes, all events play out the same before UA.

Today was the day Izuku started at UA. He stared at the building, much like he did on the day of the entrance exam. Walking in her thought about who he would have in his class.

Likely Bakugo, but that was okay, he was used to the bullying.

He hoped it wouldn't be that blue haired guy. He knew that it was unlikely though. He recognized the guy due to his quirk. He was related to the hero Ingenium.

There wouldn't be any girls though. UA separated girls and boys by homeroom. He was fine with that. Every girl he knew either ignored him or played with his feelings.

"1F" he muttered "ah, here it is".

Opening the door, he looks in to see his class. But he only sees girls.
"Oh, sorry, I must have the wrong classroom" Izuku says embarrassed. Many of the girls giggled at this.

"Midoriya, right?" The teacher, who he recognized as the hero Midnight.

"Uhh, yeah?" Midoriya says, already thinking that he is in trouble.

"You have the right classroom". Midnight says, relishing the look on not just Midoriya, but the entire classroom.

"B-but I'm a boy. Aren't I supposed to be in the boy classroom.

"Normally yes, but first take a seat and then I'll explain".

Looking around, Izuku only sees one seat. Like a robot, he slowly walks to the seat. It was one closer to the back. In front of his seat was a blue haired girl. She looked like she was about to burst. To the right of the seat was the nice girl from the exam, maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he thought. To the left of the seat was a blond girl, who from what Izuku could tell, had a blood related quirk. Behind his seat was a green, kind of reptilian looking girl. He sits, already looking like he wants to die.

"So, I assume your all wondering why there is a boy in this class, when it is normally supposed to be completely separated between genders. Well, there were not many good female applicants this year. You guys were the only good applicants, therefore, you were accepted and placed in this classroom. But, there were only 19 of you. A homeroom is made of 20. We had to put a boy in this class. That boy just so happened to be him. Oh, and I do have to say this. This boy has a record from his previous school". At this, Izuku sinks lower into his chair, trying to disappear. "This record includes starting many fights, as well as cheating in tests, and even several reports of sexual harassment".

There were some mixed reactions. Most of them were bad. Uraraka frowned. That didn't seem like the guy she met at the entrance exam.

"Umm miss", a vine haired girl asked.

"Yes, Ms. Shiozaki?"

"Why would you let a heathen like that into a female classroom, or into a hero course at all?"

"Good question Shiozaki. Mr. Aizawa, the teacher of 1M, did not want Midoriya to be in his class. After rewatching the footage of the practical part of the entrance exam multiple times, I do not believe that the records are true. In fact, I'll show you the footage".

The projector starts rolling, the video playing on the white board. "We had drones and cameras placed around the arenas. We were watching all of you at the same time. This footage takes place when the "obstacle appears". Everyone, besides the recommended students shiver, remembering the

On the screen shows the city rumbling. Suddenly the 0-pointer appears. The recommended people are visibly shook. Then, the camera showed people running away, as well Midoriya falling on the ground, terrified. They hear Mic call out less than two minutes remaining. Suddenly, a resounding "OW" sounds out. The screen showed Uraraka stuck under debris, the 0-pointer about to run her over. The screen switches to show Midoriya, hearing Uraraka, seeing her injured. Izuku then sprints towards the robot his quirk flaring up. He launches towards the robot, getting ready to punch it. Weird red veins can be seen in his arm. Punching forward, yelling "SMASH". The robot is destroyed in one hit.

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