Trial Battles #2

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Battle order:
D vs. S
I vs. Q
J vs. O
E vs. L
C vs. R

Team C: Kodai and Yanagi

Team D: Saiko and Toga

Team E: Camie and Setsuna

Team I: Tsuyu and Ibarra

Team J: Pony and Kinoko

Team L: Bondo and Sero

Team O: Tokoyami and Kuroiro

Team Q: Shishida and Shoda

Team R: Manga and Honenuki

Team S: Mineta and Awase
For the sixth battle, it was Saiko Intelli and Himiko Toga vs. Minoru Mineta and Yosetsu Awase.

The pre-battle talks were interesting to say the least.
"You got an intelligence quirk right? You got a strategy for us?"

"Yes. Yes I do" she says as she stretches he arm out. "Take some blood for your quirk".

Saiko could physically see the gears turning in Himiko's head as she processed what she just heard. Once she did, her entire face lit up. UA was better than she hoped. Not one, but two people, and if thought about more, at least 5 people didn't think she was a villain just because of her quirk.

She quickly latched on to take blood and started draining it quickly. She slowed down, however, when she heard "Don't take too much blood, I still want to be able to fight."

When she was done, Himiko couldn't help but thank her. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Saiko laughed. Toga was bouncing like a child who got ice cream.

"Now that your done, let's talk strategy" Saiko said as she pulled a tea cup with tea out of nowhere and sipped it. When did she pour that?

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"YES! We get too fight two hot babes!" Mineta drooled.

"I know right! We got so lucky" Awase backed up

"LETS TEAR THERE CLOTHES OFF!" Mineta said, suddenly a lot more excited.

"Maybe not" Awase no longer backed up. He was a pervert, sure, but he wouldn't go out of the way to tear their clothes off. That was a bit much.
When the game began, Mineta and Awase rushed in. They didn't really have a plan, they were just run and gunning.

So when they saw Saiko standing ominously at the end of a hall way, they got excited. "Finally, a girl!" Mineta cried out.


"Dude, I'm all for ogling hot girls, but you have to get your priorities checked"

Then the lights turned on again. And Saiko was now several steps closer.

Lights off

Lights on. Saiko was now around half way down the hall way. Mineta and Awase were now frozen in place. This was creepy.

Lights off

Lights on. Saiko was now close enough to see she wore a creepy smile. This is now just something out of a horror movie.

Lights off

Lights on. Saiko was now very close. Mineta was now terrified and started throwing his balls at Saiko.

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