Gender Troubles

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After the quirk assessment, it was time for lunch. Knowing no one wanted to sit with him, Izuku went and found an empty lunch table that was more out of the way. What he didn't expect was for a group of girls to walk up and sit down with him. Immediately, he felt hateful stares coming from a few people.

"Uhh what are you guys doing?"

"Sitting at this table with you?" Hagakure says, like it's obvious.

"Are we not aloud?" Ochaco asked

"I'm obviously going to sit with you. You really helped me". This time, it was Toga who spoke.

"You seem like a pretty fungi if you ask me". Komori punned easily.

"I'm checking out the fresh meat" Setsuna cheekily said.

"I've got so many questions to ask. How are you so strong? What is your quirk? Why do have sexual assault charges? Is that a fabricated story? Did you pay to be here? Did you really start fights?" Nejire quickly fired off.

Izuku immediately went red from the attention. "Uhh my quirk makes me strong. Like I said, my
q-quirk is energy manipulation. Uhhh, dumb things happened. No it's not fabricated. No, I didn't pay to be here. And I guess?" Izuku rattled off his answers, but slower.

Nejire was a literal bubble of joy. "You actually understood my questions!!!". In her excitement she jumped onto Izuku, hugging him and making him combust. Setsuna saw this (of course) and hugged him from behind. That was bad. They had attracted the attention of most of the cafeteria.

"YOU! You bastard. Day 1 and you already have your own harem." A short purple haired guy says.

The reactions from this were mixed. The cafeteria went wild at the claims. Izuku denied immediately while stuttering. Setsuna and Toga just grinned. Toru, Komori, and Ochaco tucked theirselves into their knees, trying to hide from everyone.

"What's a harem?". Oh Nejire. Sweet, innocent, Nejire.

"I'll tell you if you promise to join mine" the creep says.

"NO NEJIRE" Izuku yelled.


"A harem is when a guy is in a consensual relationship with multiple women" Izuku explains, still panicked.

"Oh. Well if I join anyone's, it'll be Midoriya's". The cafeteria went silent. And then chaos erupted. Welp. There goes all privacy.

"Midoriya. I wish to speak with you privately" Ibarra, coming from the crowd, says. Her glare was terrifying. The crowd however mistook this and assumed she was also apart of this "harem".

"Uhh ok..." Izuku was happy for the way out of this situation, but also terrified because Shiozaki has the same look people have him back at Aldera.

Ibarra then led him away from the people. "Umm what is this about?" Izuku asks nervously.

"I just want to say... If I find out that you touched any girl here inappropriately, I will not hesitate to send you to hell myself".

With her words said, she turns around and walks away, leaving Izuku with tears glistening his eyes. He knew it would be like Aldera. He knew it. But it still hurt so much. Running to the bathroom, he breaks down. What he failed to notice was the eye and ear that was following him.
When Izuku calmed down, it was already time for class. He knew it was the heroics class, and he knew All Might will be their teacher. When he got to class, Ibarra was giving him a glare. Setsuna, Toga, Nejire, Ochaco, Komori, and, from what he assumed based on her clothes, Toru were giving him sympathetic looks for some reason. When he sat down, loud footsteps were heard. Bursting through the door was All Might in a dumb pose.

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