Quirk Apprehension Test

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Instead of going to orientation next, like we were supposed to, we were taken to an outside testing field. Apparently, the other class was doing the same thing as Izuku heard, and flinched, not noticed by anyone, an explosion that could only belong to Bakugo. Before Midnight could start explaining, Izuku raised his hand.

"Yes Midoriya?"

"Uhh Before we start, I would l-like to t-talk to
T-Toga about her q-quirk" Izuku stutters out.

"Go ahead, just go around the corner"

Once around the corner, Izuku doesn't wait to ask his question. "Do you have enough of your "resource" to get through this test?"

Himiko immediately tensed up. Did he know about her "resource"? Would he reject her? Push her away? Call her a villain? "N-no" she hesitantly replies.

"Do you drink it from a cup or bag or some sort? Or do you drink it right from the body?"

Shit. He knew. But wait. He wasn't rejecting her. Was he offering her blood? Taking a chance she said "I uhh drink it right from the body".

"Okay that's good. I didn't have a knife or a cup on me... Sooo" Izuku hold his arm straight, eyes shut for the pain that he will experience "go ahead and take as much blood as you need for the test".

Himiko couldn't help it. She started crying, this went unnoticed by Izuku as he still had his eyes shut. She quickly latched onto his arm.

"Are you going to bite me or what?"

"I alrehdy dith"

Opening his eyes he sees Toga, facing away from him, but still obviously biting him. This sends him into a mutter mode. Toga only gathered "She must have pain nullifying agents in her saliva".

"Ok, I'm done now". She stopped crying. She was done a little while ago. She just wanted to stop crying. This snapped him out of his mutter.

"Also, I do believe that with enough training, you will be able to copy quirks with your transformations".

"Thank you. We should start heading back, we don't want to make them wait for much longer.

On the way back, people couldn't help but notice two things about them. Izuku's face was a little red. Himiko's eyes were red and a little puffy. Some, like Toru, believed that she was happy with his help. Others, mainly one, believed that their may have been a sexual assault. She would have to find out later.

"I get to run my class as I see fit. You've been taking standardized test all of your lives, but you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before. Kendo, you had a high score in the entrance exam. What was your farthest distance you could throw a softball in junior high?" Midnight asked, uncharacteristically un-flirty.

"Around 58 meters mam" the orange haired-ponytailed girl said.

"Try doing it with your quirk".

Enlarging her hands, she threw the ball with a lot of force. With the ball sent, Midnight turns around showing a phone in her hand. The phone read the distance of the throw: 694 meters.

"Woah, 694 meters, that's a lot" Nejire said.

"I wanna go, this looks like fun" Mina exclaimed

Midnight frowns. "Yes fun. It is important for heroes to remember to have fun every now-and-then. They are people too. However, it won't always be fun. Today, you will take 8 physical tests. The person who comes in last will have extra homework".

"Isn't that a little unfair?" Ochaco asked.

"It is unfair, that is the point. As your teacher, I have to show you that the world will be unfair at times. Natural disasters, villain attacks, scandals are all unfair. Hell, there is a lot of bullying based on what your quirk is."

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