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A/n pov..

Mrs kim exitedly engulfed Jisoo in tight hug. Jisoo was litterally shocked ,her tears started to flow form her corner of eyes. Taehyung had a great smile on his face.

"Look noona, I said you, there isn't anything to worry about." Taehyung engulfed her in his embrace. "I'm going to be an uncle."  He exitedly said her and broke the hug.

"And I'm going to be Grandmother." She exitedly hug Jisso.

Jisoo wiped her tears and spoke. "I..I'm really pr.. pregnent. I'm soo h..happy."

Jisoo was soo happy listening this news. Taehyung and Mrs.Kim were in urge to give this news to Jin. They did knew that someone else is also in this room(Y/n), excitement overcame. Happiness didn't end for minutes, the door of the cabin got opened by Rose.

"Dr.Min there is..oh.."
She was breathing heavily as she came running and bowed 90 degree to him and spoke tunring towards y/n.
"Ms.Min there is an emergency case please come fast."

Y/n didn't wait a second was about to go but she was pulled back as Taehyung caught her wrist and pulled her towards him. she was shocked, due to force her step was taken aback, which made her look in his brown husky black eyes.

He looked in her eyes for a second and spoke. "Come to my cabin after your shift ends."

Rose was in utter shocked to see , The Chairman of huge hospital and a normal surgen, that too soo close. Well this was going to be a new hot gosip in their nurses and staff group.

Here another side , his bitchy mother and sister-in-law were confused seeing them so close. It was first time they saw him speaking informally at working hours.

She said and ran out while removing her doctor's coat, followed by Rose.

Here these three were alone. where two of them rise their eyebrows towards Taehyung indicating to explain.

He just glumped and spoke with his ready-made answer.
"what.. I just.. that.. I will apologise to her."
He said while looking down and being a little scared of two dangers.

Jisoo sighed out and thought of giving her sight of thinking. "Look Tae.. I heard her speaking to eomma about yesterday night encounter between you both. And I'm her childhood bestfriend, I know her very well. She is not that type of person." rolled her eyes but remembered that she have be in favor of Jisoo. Well what's the profit? She can tag along with her daughter-in-law to a very finest celebrity party. So she thought of playing along.

"Tae, I know her very well. I saw in her eyes that she was feeling hurt and bitter. No girl like her would have done like that. You should sincerely apologize to her son." She again starting her melodramatic words.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at his step-mother knowing very well about her action.

He was looking down all the time they were speaking and thought to disclose what actually happened.
"Actually, noona, the thing is that.., uh sana called me before this incident and started speaking her shit. I just cut the call without speaking anything. And.. I was so angry that I didn't realise that it is y/n and let all my anger overflow my words."

Jisso smiled at her silly brother-in law. He was her good supporting friend. Even being bigger in age, he called her noona with respect. "Its okey, Tae. How much I know, y/n is little silly. She took it to her heart. Just a small apologise will make her normal. Don't worry."

Taehyung was not that guilty. But he had thought of a normal apologize. But he very well known about the attraction feeling towards Y/n. There was a small giddy feeling about their first meet.

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