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Author's Pov...

Taehyung moved towards Dean's cabin like a model right out of the magazine. The University girls gushed over his initimating aura. The Royal blue colour enlightened the corridor as he made his way with a curious Y/n and a nervous Jihoo following him. Taehyung nod his head in a respect everyone time he saw some or other older professors crossed his path, which alternatively made his followers to copy his actions.

All the three made their way to the cabin, stood outside to knock the cabin door by Taehyung and pushing the door inside way he moved in. But one thing which made Y/n's heart at bloom was that she was able to notice the similarities between the both brothers. As Taehyung moved in, turning back he shot a glance at Jihoo. Before Y/n could hold the handle of the door, Jihoo held it and pushed it wide inside creating a spacious way for her to walk inside. These Gentlemen, thought Y/n.

As Taehyung and Dean exchangeed the greetings, they settled down. Jihoo pulled the other chair for Y/n, for which she shook her head in no. Taehyung was speaking to the Dean and glancing becide at the absence on the chair, he met her glowy eyes. He jerked his head in a nod saying,
Sit down.

As she settled down, she was greeted with a nod from the Dean. She let out a small smile with nod.

" So, Mr.Kim as you know, Jihoo is an excellent student. Many offers for top tutorials and Seoul's best coaching classes have been sponcered to him. But he is not at all concerned to choose any of them. It is important for him, if he wants to achieve something big in his life. It is very difficult to become a top rank holder only by attending the University classes. It is not possible to get a top rank in state level without getting a coaching. Please make him understand." As the Dean finished his words he held the glass of water on his table and gluped it full. He spoke exactly like a woodpecker's dig.

Taehyung who didn't react to the dean's words and looked at Jihoo who was standing golding his hands beside Y/n. But it was not in a anger, but otherwise.

Taehyung and Jihoo already discussed about this matter days back. And Jihoo clearly stated that he wants to selfstudy, he doesn't want to be a namesake topper presented from a coaching centres, and Taehyung respected his decision. Taehyung's hospital provided coaching classes for interns for six hours every week, where many elderly and experienced doctors guided the interns. From last few months even Jihoo is also attending those and cleared his doubts with the hospital doctors. Why? why not. It's his brother's hospital afterall.

But Taehyung turned his head and looked into his little brother's eyes only to get a small smirk and a shoulder shrug as a reaction. Jihoo already warned his brother, the dean is a extraordinary lungs patient, talks like a African parrot. The dean's speed of speaking with the voice like a howler monkey which annoyed Taehyung, but managed to not to let any reaction on his face. Well being a businessman, he have faced a lot of people.

Right when he was about to speak he was cut off buy the beauty beside him.

" Mr.Chen. Am I right." She spoke one leg apon another, looking straight in the dean's eyes. This attitude of her unconsciously smitten Taehyung.

The man in his late 40's or maybe early 50's was initiated with her confidence. He was seeing her for the first time, and was shocked to to be known by a unknown. And asking her about it made him a fool.
" Ms. How do you know my name? "

"I might remind you, if you have forgotten. It was written outside on the door of your cabin. 'Mr.Chen - Dean's cabin. "
Y/n let out a sigh and replied him, making the room fill with Jihoo's muffuled laugh.

Taehyung's heart swelled not only with her intence attitude but her savage replies. He always fantasised of having a women with festy replies.

The dean seemed himself as a complete fool. He fake caugh to lighten his embarrassed surrounding. He shot a glare at his student, who tried his best to control his laugh. He took a deep breath and was about to speak, but stoped when the lady sitting infront of him proved his unlucky stars of this day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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