Chapter 4

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👢 Nalan 🎩

The door to my chambers sounded with a knock. I walked up to open it and found a guard. He looked like one of Rael's guards.

"If you are here for another meeting, tell her I'm not interested", I said and was about to close the door when he spoke.

"The key", he said.

"Which key?" I asked puzzled.

"The key to the Queen's chest. Lady Rael has found the key". He said breathlessly.

Relieve and frustration washed over me. I was relieved that the key to the chest had been found and at the same time frustrated that Rael was the one to find it.

"Are you sure of this?" I asked again.

"Yes Your Majesty. I saw it with my own eyes. Truly I can't make jest of Your Majesty. Lady Rael sent me to inform you. She is on her way as we speak". He said.

What a girl! She couldn't even wait. So eager to be Queen.

"Inform the members of the council. Tell all the Royals of the court that the Queen has been found". I said.

"Yes Your Majesty". He replied before dashing away.

I walked back into my chambers and closed the door behind me.

"Mother how could you be so cruel as to make Rael the Queen? Well, if she is your choice, I have no objections. Just don't expect me to fall in love with her". I muttered and dressed into one of my best capes.

How do I face her now after turning down her invitation earlier in the morning? She will surely make a mockery of me.

I called one of the guards to come carry the chest to the throne room.

When I got to the throne room, the Royals of the court and the council members had already arrived.

When I stepped in, silence descended. All we had to do was wait for Rael.

👛 Rael 💄

I made sure I wore my best gown. I put the key in a gold casing. One I had decorated years ago specially for it.

I climbed into my carriage and the coachman rode to the palace. I was informed that everyone was waiting for me in the throne room. Oh! Such an honor.

When I got to the double doors of the throne room, the guards bowed to me with maximum respect. I was all smiles.

The door opened and I walked in gracefully like a Queen. Of course I was now the Queen.

All eyes were on me by the time I got to the throne. King Nalan sat proudly. Oh! That ego of his will surely go down. Now I would be Queen, I wonder what he'll say about all my invitations he turned down.

"Your Majesty". I said and curtsied gracefully.

"I've been made to understand that you found the key to my mother's chest". He said.

Oh! That voice I had fallen in love with years ago. Yes! I am in love with the King but not as strong as my love for the throne.

"Your Majesty, it is true". I said and brought out the key.

Gasps filled the throne room. I smirked secretly.

"Silence!" The King ordered.

"Bring the Queen's chest!" He ordered.

A guard brought it out. My heart leaped for joy. I had gotten my throne by all means.

👢 Nalan 🎩

When the chest was brought out, I saw the amount of greed in Rael's eyes. She was so desperate to become Queen. Why would my mother make her Queen?

She inserted the key in the hole and it clicked open. Gasps filled the air and I could see some people going down on their knees already. The daughter of Lord Gilbert even fainted.

"Silence!" I ordered again and peace was restored.

"Lady Rael, I have been waiting for this day for years". I said but couldn't hide the disappointment in my voice.

She smiled contently despite hearing my disappointment.

"Now pick up the crown and bring it to me that I may crown you as My Queen". I said.

At the mention of 'My Queen', she smiled again. Greedy wench.

"Of course My King". She said with a smile. I could hear the contentment in the way she said 'My King'.

She put her hand inside the chest. She tried to pull out the crown but it looked stuck.

She smiled and tried again but it won't budge. Again and again it won't still budge. Murmurs began to fill the air. Lord Gilbert's daughter, Lady Melissa was awake now.

My mother's last words echoed in my ear and I whispered it out.

"Only in the hands of the true finder will the crown move".

Then it struck me. Rael wasn't the original finder of the key. Then how the hell did she get it and who the hell is the Queen?

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