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💐 Queen Mander 💐

I was in my private garden when the seer of our Kingdom walked in.

"Greetings Your Majesty!"

"Greetings! What brings the humble seer of Getura Kingdom to my abode?" I asked calmly.

"Something very concerning". She replied.

"Wise one, you speak in riddles". I replied before dismissing my maids.

She walked up to me and touched my forehead. The world flashed white and the scenery changed.

I stood at the door of the throne room and watched as my son, Prince Nalan choked on his wine. His wife, the Queen, which I didn't recognize, smirked wickedly.

"Now this Kingdom will be mine to rule". She says and laughs wickedly.

My son falls to the floor and dies. She laughs more wickedly.

The scene clears and I find myself in a battle field. Our knights are dead and their bodies litter the streets. It is obvious we were losing the battle.

I find myself watching the Queen negotiate with the other Kingdom. She asks for gold and acres of land in exchange of our Kingdom.

The world flashes white and I find myself back in my garden, panting for air.

"That is what is going to happen when the next Queen rules". The seer says, bringing me out of my reverie.

"Wise Molad, what do I do?" I asked, still not recovering from the shock and sadness.

"Tonight, it will rain like never before. You must journey to the village and find a Queen of your choice. One you deem fit to rule. Get a piece of her belonging and bind her to your crown. Nobody must know of this journey, not even the King. Find your most priceless chest, get the key and give it to the girl. Lock your crown inside the chest. Your end is near and so is the King's. Time is not on your side". She said and disappeared.

Like prophesied by Wise Molad, it rained so heavily that night. I got my most costly chest. It was made of pure gold and emerald stones lined every border. The lock itself was also made of pure gold and gem stones. It was a one-of-a-kind chest that was recorded in the history books. Known to belong to the greatest Queen to ever rule Getura.

I took my crown and placed it inside the chest before locking it securely. I put it at one corner of my room and summoned one of my maids to get me Molad. I had dismissed all of them.

When Molad arrived, I told my maids to excuse us before quietly slipping the key into my tunic.

When they left, Molad teleported us to the village.

When we got there, she transformed my looks into that of an aged woman and I took off in the rain.

After walking miles without any compassion from the younglings that were passing by with umbrellas, I got cold and began shivering.

Just then, I saw a little girl of about nine, walking towards me with an umbrella.

"Good evening grandma. I saw you walking in the rain from a distance. Mother said whenever I see an old woman, I should call her grandma and be kind to her". She said with her little voice and a smile on her face before offering me the umbrella and her little coat.

"Thank you young one but aren't you cold?" I asked without getting the items from her.

"I might be cold. But you are much more colder. And besides, if you get sick, you will be too weak to fight it but I'm younger and stronger". She said and tried to bring out little muscles from her arms and I laughed.

"Thank you young one. What is your name?"

"Alani. Our cottage is not too far from here. We need to get out of the rain". She said and pointed a little in the distance.

Once we got to the cottage, she opened the door and ushered me in.

"No little one". I protested and got the key from my tunic.

"Take this key. Through you, miracles will happen. Protect this key. When the time comes, it'll save you and those you love. But I'd love to keep your coat". I replied and stretched forth the key. She stared at it in awe.

"Sorry grandma, I can't take this. It's too beautiful". She replied.

Oh! So selfless. She will make a good Queen. I choosed right.

"No young one, keep it. Now go inside. I'll be fine". I said and placed the key into her tiny palms.

"Thank you grandma". She said and rose on her tip toes.

Fully aware of her plans, I crouched down and she placed a kiss on my cheek before going in.

"Please be fine. Goodnight". She said before closing the door.

Immediately after that, Molad appeared behind me and transformed back my looks before teleporting us to my room in the palace.

Once inside my room, we set down to business and Molad, using the girls coat, bound her to the crown with magic.

"Now the kingdom will be safe right?" I asked and went over to the fire place to warm myself.

"Let's hope. I see two probabilities. She may accept the crown and she may not. If she does, lots of people will be after her life. Let's hope she makes the right decision". Molad replied before disappearing.

I sighed.

Few days later, my husband, the King, got gravely ill and I followed suit.

On our death bed, I made a proclamation that no woman would ascend the throne beside my son, except the girl that opens the chest. It was stamped with the royal seal.

Knowing that the girl might reject the crown, I called in all the council members and my young son.

"Only in the hands of the true finder will the crown move". I added before closing my eyes and joining my husband in the after life.

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