V1 - Chapter 2.1: First Day Part 2

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Noon came around and since everyone was given an explanation of all the buildings and facilities on campus, everyone dispersed into their groups.

"Kiyotaka-kun~! I'm gonna head off with my friends to the karaoke room, do you wanna join in?" Kikyou called out my name, offering an invite to hang out. I glanced over towards the group of people she was talking with. Unsurprisingly, they were all girls.

"First name basis when you just met?" One of them asked teasingly, gaining the attraction of the majority of the class who hadn't left yet.

"Just met?" Kikyou asked in a 'cute' confused way, "Me and Kiyotaka-kun have been dating for 6 months." She shyly giggled at her words and smiled at the shocked people.

I saw Ike and Yamauchi fall to their knees, fake tears streaming down their faces.

"It's always the Ike-men!" They chanted, hitting the floor.

I knelt beside them, "Someone as special as Kikyou is to me will soon come and find you. Everyone has a soulmate, Ike, Yamauchi." I patted their backs, then pressed my fist against their chests and proceeded to nod like a soldier entering the war. They did the same back to me, saluting at me. What a funny thing to have just happened.

I got up and placed a small kiss on her cheek, "I would come but I'm gonna look around the campus instead to get a good feel of this school. Have fun." I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out the door, hearing the girls' voices' faintly.

"How have you bagged him?! He's one hell of a handsome man!"

"You're so lucky~!"

I smirked. Of course, I'm handsome. The genes my father gave me are amazing. That's the only thing I'm thankful for, I despise him in every other category.

The chairman of the school was indeed telling the truth, there was everything a teenager needed to live a comfortable life on this campus. Unless they couldn't afford it that is. Satisfied with the sightseeing, I made my way to the convenience store, which was also on the way to the dorms. Disappointingly, I was alone. I would have much rather come with other people.

To my surprise, whilst in the store, I spotted a familiar face, not one that I knew the name of, but a face I knew. Who was it you ask? One of the few who walked out of the introductions, deeming them to be a 'silly' thing.

I walked up to her, waving. She side-eyed me and spoke cruel words, "What an unpleasant sighting." If I do recall, she was my seatmate and would be for the following three years, unless I change the seat of course.

"Ouch. That was a bit mean, don't cha think?" I said, feigning being hurt, "I'm-"

"Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. Yes, I know."

"Sheesh. You're harsh. A pleasure to meet you..." I didn't know her name, so I trailed on my last word to imply that I wanted to know her name. Her answer was disappointing, to say the least.

"I don't feel the need for you to know my name Mr. Popular-kun." She's hostile to me because I'm popular. That's sad and embarrassing, to be honest.

"Jealous that I have friends?" I teased.

"Friends are unnecessary. People here don't have the qualities to be deemed my friend." Is this perhaps the girl that Kikyou was telling me about? What was her name... ah yes, Horikita Suzune. A girl who's uptight about following in her brother's footsteps, in other words, a bro con, and has a superiority complex which leads to her confining herself in solitude and her isolation from society. What that means is I just have to show her that I'm better than her.

"What do you think is suspicious about the S-System?" I randomly sprung that question out, "Unless you don't have any suspicions then forget my asking."

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