V1 - Chapter 16: One Step Ahead

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[A/N got too hung up on FuckboyKoji and forgot about this my bad]

Now that the midterms are over, class battles will probably start. Therefore, other classes will attack our weakest links.

Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudo Ken.

Which of those they'll target, I'm unsure of but it'll definitely be one of the three.

After a day in school, I made my way to the special annexe, hiding my presence so nobody could follow, hear or see me. After entering the building, I hid cameras in each of the rooms in there as well as the corridors. This was the only place without cameras so this was the only place that someone could make an attack. I could monitor every foot in this building with my phone and laptop.

My job here is done.


"Look at this defect trying to act big." The magenta-haired leader belittled the basketball player, "Just cause you passed these exams doesn't mean you'll pass the rest." He taunted.

There was a small glint in his eyes when the Redhead started to become aggravated, clenching his fist and biting his lip to prevent himself from attacking.

I slowly took a step in between the two, "Ryuuen Kakeru, as the Vice President of this school, I suggest you refrain from provoking other classes." I suggested. A look of annoyance spread on his face.

"You're no fun~." He slyly said the annoyance was replaced with amusement, "I got what I wanted so I'll leave now."

Got what he wanted?

Perhaps an indication that if Sudo is provoked well enough, he'll be so blinded in rage that he'll resort to violence.

"The commotions over girls!" I happily shouted to the people playing on the tennis courts, "You can continue playing!"

"Kyaaa~! Thank you~!"

"Our Vice President is amazing~!"

Now that I know his target, I'll very well be weary around Sudo.

"Ken. Promise me one thing." I turned to look at him with a serious face and held up my pinky.

"Sure man, whatsup?" He took my pinky with his.

"If a class c member ever provokes you, don't let your judgment be clouded and don't fight back. If they attempt to hit you, just let them, don't catch their fist." I said sternly, he looked a bit shaken but he nodded in agreement.

"Alright man, whatever you say." He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away, probably in the direction of the basketball court.

He was one hundred per cent not going to listen to what I said, not that it mattered anyway.

I caught up to Ryuuen and held him by his shoulder,

"I know what you're up to Ryuuen." I said with a smile, "And I'm three steps ahead of you."

I left without another word whilst hearing the annoying, "Kukuku." Echoing in the background.

He is a peculiar man might I say, as well as my 'childhood friend'.

"You were pretty cool there." Someone joined my side as I was walking, who was it? Ichinose Honami, my secretary.

I smiled at her, "Just doing the student council job." I replied, "Besides, Ryuuen is kind of a prick."

She laughed at my words, "Yeah, I agree. Recently, he's been troubling my classmates. I'm not too fond of him."

I raised an eyebrow, "Troubling your classmates?"

"Ah, yeah, he's just been threatening to do things if they don't follow his orders, I try to stop it immediately if I see it happen."

"Next time, use this and record it, then find me and give it to me," I said, handing her one of the many recorders I purchased.

Undoubtedly, the next few days caused an uproar in the class.

"What do you mean Sudo-Kun might get expelled?!"

I sat in the corner in silence, watching what had happened the night before in the special annexe on my phone.

I placed my phone in my pocket and I listened to the argument that was happening. Sudo was trying to defend himself but faltered in his words, suggesting that he did hit them and rage got the better of him.

"Guys calm down." I loudly overpowered the rest of the class, "We should believe him, he's our classmate. If we let things continue like this, we'll never be able to progress." I said.

Of course, they all agreed with me and soon after, Slave-Sensei came and grabbed him from the class, taking him to the faculty office. I gave her a quick and firm nod in which an expression of relief planted on her face as she walked out.

I noticed Matsushita give me an intrigued look but I made sure to not catch her eye.

A small ding erupted from my phone.

Ichinose: Is your class alright?

Me: Yes, I've calmed them down.

Ichinose: Okok, that's good. Do you need any help with anything?

Me: No thank you, I've already got a plan.

Ichinose: oh really? What is it?

Me: That's for me to know and for no one to ever find out. Class D will come on top though.

Ichinose: Eh? Okay, I guess. Good luck👍

"Texting other girls?" A familiar voice asked amidst all the madness of the class.

"Ichinose from class b asked if we needed any help."

A frown appeared on her face as she sat on my desk, "Out of all the girls, you choose to message the most popular, pretty girl in our year?"

"In my defence, she messages me first."

"You're not cheating on me are you?" She pouted. No one else could see the rage behind her pout but me. She was seething with anger.



She hopped off of my desk and went back to talking with her friends after smiling and waving at Horikita who reluctantly waved back.

I looked over to my seatmate, "When we're in the trial, keep it going for as long as possible."

"Why?" She asked.

"Don't ask questions. If you want me to help you achieve Class A, then just follow me, okay?" I said in a nice way of tone. Although the words in themselves were rude, saying it happily makes it sound nicer.

She, again, reluctantly nodded at my words, annoyed by the fact I wouldn't let her in on my plan. She just needs to understand that of course. What I do, I do alone. Who knows what sort of person could overhear and backstab you? Even Kikyo doesn't, and won't know. She just blindly agrees with everything I say.

A knock at the door drew everyone's attention. Who walked through you may ask? Nagumo Miyabi.

He looked at me and jolted his head in the direction of the door.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and put up my hand, "Yo Miyabi-Senpai, what are we doing today?" I asked, walking out the door, following behind him and getting strange looks from my peers.

"How many private points do you have?" He asked me in a low tone.

I internally grinned, "Aha, not many since we are pretty poor in class d." I joked, scratching the back of my head.

"You wanted to learn how I controlled my year, right?" He asked.

I nodded, "Of course Senpai!" I said.

"Well then, let me show you how I do it."

You should always be careful Nagumo Miyabi.

Whatever you tell a friend now, they could use against you when they inevitably turn into your enemy.


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