V1 - Chapter 17: Trial Day

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Nagumo brought me to his dorm room, which had two extra locks on it instead of it just being the key card. We entered and I had already started my voice recorder.

I looked around and on the wall, there were pictures of students faces hung up with a cross drawn across them. Students he's expelled I presume.

What piqued my curiosity was a large picture of a black silhouette labelled X.

"What's that supposed to be?" I asked.

"That's not the right question, it's, who's that supposed to be?" He corrected, his hand brought up to his chin.

"My apologies Senpai, who's that supposed to be?" I asked once more.

"That person is X. I have the right to believe they're someone in your year. So, I would like your assistance."

"My assistance with what?"

"Finding them. During the first month of your year's arrival, X thwarted my plans to take points from the younger year, also robbing my underlings of their points. So, I want to expel them."

Unbeknownst to him, I smirked.

"Sheesh Senpai," I put my hands at the back of my head, scrunching my face, "Isn't expelling a bit too much?" I asked, playing along.

"Of course, not, every individual I expel makes me one step closer to achieving absolute control. I have but a few people who don't follow my command, and each one of them is slowly getting picked off." He explained, "This is why I rule over my year Ayanokoji, and I want you to follow in my footsteps."

Blinded by trust and self-dominance.

"Once you leave after becoming President, will that role be handed down to me?" I asked.

He slyly smirked, "Of course it will, after all, you'll be my right-hand man from now on. Isn't that right?"

I lifted my hand to my forehead and saluted, "Yes sir."

"So, you'll help me find X?" He asked.

"Yes," I mean it's amusing, isn't it? "Of course I will, if it means giving my Senpai a helping hand."

To know that X is me. To know that every single time you try to find me, you'll only get further, and further away.


The day of the trial came along and I was there watching as the Vice President. I let the torment continue until the President eventually gave Class D more time, "You have until tomorrow at 4 p.m. to bring concrete evidence to the table, otherwise, Sudo Ken will be expelled."

Having Sudo expelled wouldn't necessarily be a problem seeing as we're on 0 points but in the future, he may potentially be useful.

I stood up from my seat, everyone's attention diverting to me, "President, I may be the Vice-President and I may be watching the trial as an observer but I still have to right to defend my class, do I not?"

"Yes, you do." He replied, his eyes thinning, trying to figure out my motive.

"If I had concrete evidence of the lies that Class C is emitting what would be their punishment if the punishment for our class member is expulsion?"

"If there's evidence to back up your claim then I should address it also as expulsion."

I had planned this out from the beginning, but both classes were confused by my actions as I turned the board on with a full audio and camera recording of the whole event.

It was funny, watching the faces of Class C drop. As well as Ryuuen's face,

"Ryuuen, I'm not mistaken if I recall that I said that I'm three steps ahead of you, right? You lost this battle the moment you started it." I told him, the entire room going silent.

"For providing concrete evidence as proving the guilt of Class C, Class D will be able to leave without any repercussions, as for Class C, the three who initiated the conflict and lied in the trial will face expulsion." The President gave his final verdict and Ryuuen glared draggers through my back whilst I left with the rest of my class in pieces.

I could've let this reign on for much longer, but I was bored of seeing Class C assume they were the victors.

It was funny, you have to admit. Imagine thinking you've won to then finding out that you lost. Poor Ryuuen and his lackeys.

I turned my attention towards the President, "How many class points are lost due to an expulsion Pres?" I asked him.

"200." He replied as calmly as usual.

I smirked and slowly counted on my fingers looking at Ryuuen and all the baffled people in the trial room, "If I'm not mistaken... Class C has 560 points... 1... 2... 3 people expelled... and if one expulsion equals 200 class points then... 200 times by 3 is 600 and if I'm not being stupid 600 is above 560 meaning... Class C- oh my bad, Class D is now on zero points."

You could barely hear people breathing.

"How does it feel Ryuuen? You're at the bottom of the food chain, a D-efect. To think you were just about to boast about your victory." I smiled and turned to my own classmates, "Shall we go and tell the rest of the class the big news?" I asked, but they all sat in shock.

"Hello? We're class C now, You guys should be happy, not shocked!"


"Alright let's go then.."

"Man Ayanokoji you've saved my life again, thanks, man," Sudo said, scratching the back of his head.

"No problem," I turned my attention to the president again, "Are we dismissed?"

He firmly nodded, "You're dismissed."


If you read my other story, you'll know that I had a break, but now I'm back!! <3

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