V1 - Chapter 7: Surprise Test

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Short chapter

Two weeks had passed since the encounter with Nagumos lackeys and school life was going as usual. I'm sure by now, we had dropped to getting 0 points since there wasn't a lesson where at least 5 people weren't behaving correctly. The look on their faces is gonna be unreal when they realise.

Sensei walked in as normal and everyone paid no mind until they heard what she said, "Instead of history class today, you'll be taking a test."

This caused an uproar to spread throughout the class,

"But I haven't been paying attention!" To even admit that is embarrassing.

"This is so unfair!" Ok, Goldilocks.

"Have no fear, this won't be reflected on your report cards, nor will it be recorded anywhere else, it'll just be evaluating your knowledge."

Realistically, the only thing I would do is write my name and nothing else, but what's the point in that when I could get a perfect score and have everyone acknowledge me for my talents?

Regardless of that, once we were given the paper, I quickly scanned through it. There were 20 questions which meant that each subject would have 4 questions. What caught my eye were the last three questions of the paper. It was in the maths category and if I'm not mistaken, the equations you need to use and the question in itself are far beyond what you learn at high school since they're very complex, I sure as hell doubt that even the third years could do it. Obviously, I knew how to do it, it was like childsplay for me.

And so, I answered the whole paper, flawlessly. Once I did, I handed it in causing looks to go throughout the room, after all, in the hour and a half given, I finished it in half an hour.

I went back to my seat and waited patiently for the end of the time. After another hour had passed, Sensei stopped those who were still writing and picked up all the papers.

"Ayanokoji-kun! How did you finish so quickly?!" Someone asked me, I just shrugged my shoulders,

"If anything, to me, it was pretty easy. Although that's because my dad used to force me to study 24/7." I mean, it's not a lie, is it?

"You're so smart~!"

"Kikyo-chan you're so lucky~!"

I awkwardly laughed and smiled at them, appreciating the compliment.

"What would you say you got on it Ayanokoji-kun?" Another asked, intrigued by my intellect.





"HUH?!!!" The class were dumbfounded. The majority were racking their brain over the last few questions so it's not surprising. If there was somebody in this room who could even hope to answer one of them at this stage in their life, I'd place my bets on Koenji.

"Ayanokoji!" I looked over to the person who shouted my name, sigh, "I wanna challenge you to a bet if you're so confident and cocky over your test score!" It was none other than Yamauchi Haruki, one of the class perverts.

"What's in it for me?" I asked, calmly.

"You can choose but if I win... I get to have your girlfriend!" He exclaimed, putting his hands on his hips in a super-man type of way. My face turned cold for a moment,

"If you lose, you have to wear a skirt and bunny ears for the whole month of May," I said, a smirk forming at the tips of my mouth.

"Hahaha! Deal! I've totally won Kikyo-chan~!" Ah, how he disgusts me.

"Eh! Why would you bet your girlfriend?!"

"Do you not treasure her?!"

"Are you crazy?!"

I got attacked by plenty of comments but I just turned to look at them all, "Why, you ask? It's because I know I won't lose."

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