V1 - Chapter 15: Clash of the Horikitas

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I sat up in my bed, my throat dry as hell. I checked the time and it read '23:11'. I've got this tingly feeling in the back of my head that I should go out to get a drink. I always follow my head. So, what did I do?

I went out.

And what is this predicament I've caught myself in?

"You know Manabu, I don't condone hitting girls. Especially when it's your sister."

I caught the president's fist just as he was about to gut-punch his younger sister: Horikita Suzune, for being naive and following in his footsteps. I mean, don't get me wrong, she needs to sort out her mentality but physically beating her into doing that is wrong.

"It's too late for you to be outside Vice President." He said, moving his fist away from my hand and fixing his glasses. A distraction. He swiftly lifted his leg and attempted to kick me in the side. Key word: attempted. I gripped his leg and held it in place.

"I could say the same to you, President. Your words are contradicting your actions. That's unfitting for a leader, no?"

He used his right hand to punch the younger sibling who was paralyzed against the wall but I blocked it, letting go of his leg.

"Even an esteemed person like yourself resorts to dirty tactics." I used a taunting way of tone, "Why were you hitting your sister, President?"

I stayed on guard, making sure Suzune was guarded as well as myself.

"She deserved it." He simply said, adjusting his tie.

"Where's your logic in that? If anything, I think you're far from correct. All she's doing is admiring her older sibling, wanting to get recognition by following in their footsteps."

The air was cold, our breathing becoming mist as soon as we let carbon dioxide out. Manabu and I maintained eye contact.

"She had much potential in her early years." Please don't tell me this is a life story, "If she continued on her own path, she could even surpass me. Yet... her path got clouded by her stupidity."

"That's a bit harsh, don't you think?" I rhetorically asked.

"Nonsense. She deserves what she gets, now I suggest you refrain from inserting yourself in our heart-to-heart." He looked away from me and down at the younger Horikita. Heart to heart? This is more like a fist to face.

Lesson number one:

Never look away from your opponent.

I swiped my legs beneath his feet causing him to lose balance. Once he was wobbling, I snaked around him like a python, putting my fingers on his neck.

"Have you never learnt the rules of fighting? You seem like a trained professional Senpai."

"Nii-san... Ayanokoji-kun... stop it." Her voice was fragmented, it was evident that she was hurt, both mentally and physically.

I let go of him and he straightened himself up and touched his neck where my fingers dug into his trachea.

"Horikita," I said, the younger sibling looking at me, "I've told you once before and I don't intend to again, Don't mistake solitude for independence. As your brother said, you have the potential to grow into a strong opponent. I'm your friend Horikita. Listen to my words." I helped her up and she leaned on me for support.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a slight smile appear on his face.

"I suppose my work here is done."

"It may be President, but I will back out of our deal if you resort to violence with your younger sister." I maintained a stern tone as I watched him leave.

"Why did you help me?" The girl said, her eyes brimming with tears.

"I happened to be in the area getting a drink." I elucidated, a look of annoyance on her face appearing.

"You could've just left me." She said, moving away from me and standing up on her own.

"Why wouldn't I help a friend in need?" I asked nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders whilst sipping on my apple juice, throwing her another drink I bought.

"I don't consider you a friend." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Then you'll fail to grow as a person and be distanced from your brother further," I said, beginning to walk back to the dorms, her following behind.


"But what Horikita? You're refusing growth. Everything that happened today was your fault."

"I want to be better... help me get better... teach me please!" I stopped and turned around, looking at the not-so-icey Horikita bowing in front of me.

"Befriend people. Don't think of them as tools to achieve what you wish. Think of them as friends who can help you whilst getting enjoyment from them." I told her, "Stop bowing. It's unsightly for a future leader."

That was extremely hypocritical of me. After all, everyone here is a tool for me. I've never thought of them as more or less.

"Future leader?" She questioned my words, confused.

"You're brother wasn't wrong. You have potential. In the future, you'll be one to lead a class to victory. Don't doubt yourself." I reassured.

A determined look spread across her fragile face, "Thank you Ayanokoji-kun. I will strive for leadership." She bowed once again, "I appreciate what you've done for me today."

"No worries. You just needed a boost." I put my hands in my pockets and continued walking.

She cleared her throat, "As a... As a friend, I'm warning you about Kushida. She's not who you think she is..." She bit her lip, awaiting my reaction as she spoke ill of my girlfriend.

I smirked and then chuckled, "Believe me, I know everything about her. It makes her all the more interesting. If you see her as a threat, she'll see you as one. Attempt to befriend her Horikita. The two of you could make an impenetrable duo."

"Befriend her..?" She thought into her own world for a few minutes of walking, "You want me to befriend Kushida?" She repeated.

"I shouldn't have to repeat myself. I'll talk to her about it. Make the right decision Horikita. Your future is in your hands."

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