V1 - Chapter 2: The First Day

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I, and many others, seemed to notice the old lady, potentially in her 80s, stumble into the bus, a walking stick in hand. She weakly searched the packed vehicle for a seat but ceased to find one.

I glanced over at the girl beside me, nodding. To allow my girlfriend to sit down, I humbly offered her my seat whilst I stood up instead of her.

To quickly get recognized in the eyes of the students that were already on the bus, Kikyou called out to the old lady, "Excuse me, miss, you can have my seat!" She exclaimed happily, and loudly to attract the attention of those around her.

I smiled at the old lady and proceeded to help her into the seat whilst Kikyou stood up beside me gripping the same pole as I.

We could've very well caused a commotion by speaking to the blonde-haired male in our school uniform sitting in a priority seat but decided that that would have been an annoyance to the surrounding people.

Once the bus had stopped in front of the prestigious school, Kikyou and I walked off of it, hand in hand, attracting more attention than on the bus.

"Lucky bastard..."

"It should be me standing next to that beauty!"

"It's always the damn Ikemen..."

Of course, it was known to Kikyou and me that she was beautiful. If anything, she was an angel to those around her. She had every asset if you know what I mean.

Walking through the school hand in hand had already established the closeness of our relationship to those who witnessed it.

"She's so lucky..."

"I wish I was her, he's so handsome and dreamy~..."

"Why can't I have what she has?!!"

I was also a good-looking man. I had the body, hair, looks, and most of all, I had a charming smile. I don't have a big ego, it's just facts of course. I would never put on a narcissistic front like the blonde-haired man on the bus who was filing his already deemed perfect nails and checking himself out in the mirror.

Perhaps Kikyou and I would become the stereotypical Barbie and Ken couple that most dream of becoming at this school. That's not guaranteed of course, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a high probability of it happening.

The teachers around us pointed and gave directions to where the school entrance ceremony was to happen. I allowed Kikyou to go on ahead without me and I explored the school.

To my amusement, there were cameras littered everywhere, not a single room and hallway didn't have at least 4 cameras watching students' every move. Suspicious from the get-go.

I entered my classroom for a moment to check which seat was mine and Kikyous, disappointingly, we weren't seated beside each other.

Finishing my observation of the school, I made my way to the entrance ceremony just in time and was greeted by Kikyou.

"What did you do?" She asked, leaning into my shoulder, and resting her head.

"You'll find out later in the day," I replied.

She silenced herself and began to pay attention to the ceremony, which might I add, was extremely boring.

Now, for the observation of the students.

In this school, the classes were lettered A through to D. In normal standards, there would be no meaning behind this and classes would get switched up every year but because this is a government-established school there was no way this didn't have some significance.

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