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Jungkook is still in his position remembering the girl in front of him.

"Uhh.. you idiot.. you always make fun of me in front of your friends.. I hate you.." Taehyung said irritated and was going back to her room. Suddenly she halted at the position.. slowly turned back.. seeing the third one sitting on their couch. She fisted her palms in anger.

"What the hell are you doing here? How dare you to step into our home?" Taehyung asked Jungkook with gritted teeth. Everyone else became shocked to see Taehyung like that. She never ever spoke like that before to anyone. And why to Jungkook??

"What happened Tae? You guys know each other?" Yoongi asked confused. Taehyung is angry with his brother!!

"Somebody tell me what the fuck is he doing in our home?" Taehyung shivered while talking. Jungkook felt humiliated.

"What is your problem?" Jungkook controlled his anger. Now it has become out of limits.He wants to know what he has done.

"Wow.. audacity!! Even after all these things you did.. you asking me about my problem.. really??" Taehyung said in disbelief.

"What things? What have I done?" Jungkook asked curiously.

"Oh come on.. drop your act.. and get out of my home you bastard.." Taehyung shouted at him.

"Taehyung.. behave.." Jin said sternly. Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes.

"What happened tata? How do you know Kookie?" Wook asked calmly. He is also wondering what happened to his sister.He never saw her as furious like this.

"Kookie?? " Taehyung asked puzzled .

"Yes.. he is my brother Kookie.." yoongi said. He is also in a state of confusion.Taehyung's eyes widened in horror hearing that.How can yoongi oppa have a brother like him ?!

"Tell him to leave our home.. right now.." Tea said to Wook.

"I will say baby.. but before that you should tell us why you are behaving like this? " Namjoon said in a strict tone. Taehyung's eyes got teary suddenly. She doesn't want to know her parents and brother about that. They will feel bad about her. And it turned out that Jungkook is yoongi oppa's brother.

"He.. he..." Taehyung said in a shaky voice. Everyone patiently waited for her words.. especially Jungkook. Because he himself doesn't know why this girl is acting so rude. He doesn't even know her.

"He harassed me.. he said dirty things to me.." Taehyung said looking down. Tears started rolling down from her eyes.

"What?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Me?" Jungkook asked in confusion. Everyone else looked at him.

"I didn't do anything" he said with wide eyes. He can't even think about harassing someone even in his dreams.

"Before I will slap you again..get out of my house.." she wondered how an amazing actor he is. He will get Oscar for this act.

"You slapped him?" Yoongi asked in disbelief.

"And why didn't you tell me Kookie?" He asked Kookie.He is cent percent sure that his brother is innocent.He never does such things. But Taehyung.. she is also not like this..

"Hyung I am really sorry.. but i didn't want to bother you.. you know I hate such dramas in my life.. you know I even hate to be here.. i really wanna go home.. i want to be with my friends. And this girl is making drama in my already messed up life." Jungkook sighed.

"Tata.. please explain everything in detail.." Jin said in a clam tone. He felt really miserable at that moment.God knows what else his baby girl faced yet.

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