🌝Night drive🌞

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"oh my God.. I am so excited.." Elza screamed in excitement while they parked at the amusement park's parking lot. Taehyung giggled at her.

"Tata.. you know..i really missed those days when we went to parks before. But you had lots of drama in your life recently.. so I didn't mean to bother you.. but thank you for this dear.. I missed you my friend.." Taehyung's eyes watered hearing that.

It's true that Elza was annoying sometimes. But the fact that she is the only friend Taehyung had from her diaper days. She felt bad about avoiding her best friend's feelings. Elza was with her in thick and thin. She felt great for having a friend like her.

They entered the amusement park and took a right turn as Jungkook instructed Taehyung. Taehyung communicated through texts to Jungkook from time to time. When they were going to mount on their first ride, Elza got a note from a little boy who was in a bear costume.

You are very beautiful..

"Aww..thank you little bear.. see Tata.. he gave me a note.." Elza showed it to Taehyung and she gave a lovely smile in reply.

But when they continued their rounds in the park..Elza got so many notes from little boys and girls.

"Tata.. what is so special today? I don't remember anything about today tho.." Elza became confused.

"How do I know.. you know I am not interested in these things.." Taehyung rolled her eyes as always.

"Yeah.. my mistake.. I asked the wrong person.. sorry.." Elza sighed in defeat. Taehyung chuckled hearing that .

Hold on. Wait for five minutes.

Taehyung received a message from Jungkook When Elza was going towards the spot.Taehyung looked around for some excuse.

"Ell.. wait.. I want popcorn.." Taehyung dragged her to the nearby popcorn stall and ordered two packs.


"Come on.. let's go.. I have something to show you.." Taehyung jumped from her seat.

"Wait.. i want to eat this.. " Elza whined.

"You can eat it later.. now come with me.." Taehyung dragged her and Elza looked at her as a dumpfounded.

"What happened to this girl?!!"

When they approached near the Ferris wheel Elza got another note. She opened the note and stood like a statue.

Will you be my girlfriend ??

She looked at the boy who brought that note with narrowed eyes. He pointed his finger to somewhere and Elza followed his finger tip and her mouth agape.

Eun woo!!

There standing.. eun woo with his spread arms with a bouquet of red roses.. his lips decorated with a beautiful smile. Elza started crying and laughing at the same time at the same place.

"Oh my God..Yes..yes..yeeeessssss..." She screamed with happiness and ran to his arms. He welcomed her with a warm hug. The new couple stood in each other's embrace for a good minute.

 The new couple stood in each other's embrace for a good minute

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