🌝Unexpected news!🌞

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Our younger couple became closer day by day. They used to spend time with each other whenever they got the chance. And didn't want to mention that they were used to eating each other occasionally. Whom are we fooling anyways. One is a horny bunny and the other one is a hungry tigress!!

They kissed in the bedroom.. in the car.. in the college corridor.. empty classrooms.. in parking.. in elevator.. and the list continues..

One thing it making stronger their bonding is they speak alot to each other. They speak when they wake up. They speak when they meet at college. They speak through the phone when they came back from college. They will have a face time everyday when they go to bed. Both are really honest to each other. So there is no weed in their relationship.

And they have lot of interests in common even they have different perspectives. For example.. both are interested in music.. but Jungkook is a singer while Taehyung is mainly into guitar. Both are interested in reading.. Jungkook is interested in travelogues , history and business but Taehyung is more into autobiography, science and culture. Both are sports persons.. Jungkook is an all-rounder in games while Taehyung is a basketball player. But they respect each other's interests.

There are so parts of Jungkook that only Taehyung knows. Everyone knows that handsome,hot,calm and composed Jungkook. But only Taehyung knows how insecure he is when it comes to his looks.. how cute he is.. how big flirty he is.. how pure he is..

Same as Taehyung.. only Jungkook knows deeply about the bold and sassy Taehyung. How childish she is.. how sexy she is.. how deeply she thinks about other's comfort.. and most importantly how deeply she cares about her one and only brother Taewook.. and how magical her touches are!

They are made for each other. Thanks to Moonie!!

It's been four months since they have been confessed to each other. A midnight.. Taehyung was sleeping soundly.. her phone began to ring. She attended the call without opening eyes.


"Hi baby.. open the door.."


"Baby..T..open the door.. look here..."

Taehyung opened her eyes in realisation. She sat up on her bed and switched on the light. There.. Jungkook is waving from the balcony. She hurriedly woke up and opened the door. Jungkook hugged her tightly without wasting any second. Taehyung took some seconds to process and hug him back.



"Are you okay?"

"Can you cuddle me please?" Jungkook asked without breaking the hug. Taehyung felt something is wrong.. otherwise he wouldn't come her room at this time. She broke the hug and invited him to her bed.

"Come.. let's cuddle.."

Jungkook laid with her and cuddled her tightly. She patted his back and caressed his hair oh so lovingly. She decided to gave him some time to tell what happened. After ten minutes he he sighed in relief.

"T.." Jungkook called her in a low voice.


"I love you T..." Taehyung smiled hearing his sudden confession. She cupped his face and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too Koo.."

"I can't live without you T.."

"I know baby.. I know.. " Taehyung again kissed his forehead. Still cupping his face with one hand caressing his cheek.

"Can you tell me what happened my honey.. why my man is so disturbed..mm.." Taehyung asked like comforting him. Jungkook nodded in return.

"Do you remember I told you about Dr.Morgan?"

"Yes.. the genius psychologist.. you applied for his training program right?"

"Mm.. it's confirmed.. I got my lote.." Jungkook said in a law voice. Taehyung's eyes widened hearing that. She jumped from the bed in excitement.

"What?? Oh my God Koo.. I am so proud of you.. you made it.. congratulations.." Taehyung shook him excited. Jungkook gave her a tight smile. Taehyung looked at him with narrowed eyes. Why is he so sad about that?

"T.. in past years... he conducted a three months training program.. but this year it's for six months.. and too in Canada.." Jungkook said with a sad face. Taehyung felt a pang in her heart. Six months without Jungkook!! That's why he is so sad. She immediately covered up her feelings. Because she is the one who has to give courage to him.

"I am not going T.. I can't be without you for that long.. in fact I can't live without you even for a day.. I am not going.. " a tear dropped down from his eye. Taehyung controlled herself and smiled. She cupped his face.

"Oh my Kook.. look at me.." Jungkook looked at her.

"Don't say like that my love.. we have a whole life ahead together honey.. but you won't get a chance with your mentor anymore.. we can't loose it.."

"But i can't be without you.. tell me.. will you be okay without me? Is that easy for you?" Tears started rolling down continuously. Taehyung sighed in defeat.

"No Koo.. how can I live without you.. I can't even imagine a day without you.. but think about it koo.. it's for a few days.. it is beneficial for your future.. your company.. you can't get this chance anymore.. it is for one time right.."

"It's not a few days baby.. it's for six months.. fucking six months.. I don't know why he extended it's duration. I shouldn't have applied for it if it was after meeting you.. damn.. i really applied for this.. I don't know what should I do.." Jungkook pulled his hair in frustration. Taehyung understood that he is confused. And it's her duty to help him to resolve it.

"Relax koo.. don't think negative about it.. it's just a few months. And you will get Dr.Morgans's certificate after that.. think about it.. how amazing it will be.. it's one of your dream koo.. don't you want to see your mentor.. don't you want his blessings.. you should go Koo.. we can't ignore these golden opportunities in our life.. you should go.. " Jungkook looked at her for assurance.

"And we.. we came through a lot in the past koo.. and we became more closer each by day.. we can face every challenges together.. we are strong.. our love is pure.. may be being apart we can understand how much we value each other.. how much we love each other.. how much we miss each other.. mm ." Taehyung said in a shaky voice.. it's tough.. really really... Jungkook is still crying. Taehyung wiped his tears and kissed his lips. Jungkook kissed her back. Today the kiss is full of pain.. pain of parting away.

"I love you baby.. I love you so much.. you are my everything.. everything.." Jungkook said between hickups.

"Sshhh.. no my love.. don't cry.. we can call everyday.. don't hesitate to call me whenever you want to hear me..mm.. if it is day or night.. no matter when.. I will talk to you..  we can feel each other through this remember.." Taehyung touched his moon pendant. He nodded in return. Today Jungkook showed his one more face to Taehyung. His vulnerable state.. how scared and sad he to be go away from her.. from every one..  they sat on the bed on kneels.. Jungkook hugged her placing his head on the crook of her neck. Taehyung patted his back and neck saying soothing words.

"When do you have to leave?" Taehyung asked.

"To.. tomorrow night.."

"WHAT?" Taehyung asked in shock.

Tomorrow??!! That is too fast!

Jungkook again started sobbing in her embrace. Taehyung felt she herself began to cry soon. But no.. not now. Jungkook won't leave if she started crying. So she has to stay strong. He may cancel the training. But it will be his forever loss.. and someday in future he will regret it too.. that can't be happen. She has to stay strong. She tightened her grip.

"Koo.." she called him softly after sometime.No reply. She pulled back little and looked at him.. who was peacefully sleeping in his girl's warmth. Taehyung smiled sweetly and laid him carefully. She also laid beside him and he immediately snuggled to her in sleep. Taehyung put blanket on them and switched off the light. Tomorrow is going to be a very hard day. She sighed in defeat and closed her eyes.

To be continued...

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