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After the initial... excitement of Holly's proposition, we decided that we would go to the seaside, and, over the next couple of weeks, we packed, slimmed down our cases, and got ourselves ready.

We hadn't  been doing an enormous amount of cases since the Fittes debacle, but we still worked on several cases a week. We chose the dates and made sure any cases put to us were either resolved before we left or postponed until after our return.

Quill and Lockwood both tried to convince Holly that someone needed to stay and 'man the fort', but she was having none of it. In the end, she said that if they were that desperate, they could call Flo and let her stay while we're gone.

Over the next few weeks, we were all quite tense with excitement. Holly took us all shopping to buy swimming costumes, sun hats, and a picnic blanket big enough for us all to sit on. She sorted out a four bed holiday rental and even put some money towards it, despite everyone's protests that she didn't need to.

The evening before we left, Lockwood, George, and I were in our individual rooms, making sure we had everything we needed. I had taken everything out of my suitcase and was now in the process of refolding everything when I heard a knock at my door.

"Hey, Luce," It was Lockwood. I'd expected that; everyone else normally waits until I've gone downstairs, or makes a big fuss of checking I'm fully changed (Holly and Quill) or else has very loud footsteps (George).

When I looked up, he was shifting from foot to foot, but he smiled gently at me. "I don't want to bother you, but I wondered what you were doing about handheld bags?"

"How do you mean?"

He pushed the door to behind him and walked over to sit on the bed above where I was knelt on the floor. "I wondered if we should take rucksacks or something, if we want to take a change of clothes and, say, a book when we go out."

I laughed. "I hadn't thought of that. I should have asked Holly or Quill."

"I wanted your opinion." He shrugged.

"Well, now that you've mentioned it, I think I will."

I picked up my sketchbook and the pencils I had previously had in my travel bag and stood up to find a rucksack. Lockwood hadn't moved. After receiving a sharp look from me, he sighed and spoke softly. "You'll never guess what I just found out."

I felt my eyebrows move closer together as I sat down where he patted the bed next to him.

"Apparently, our 'four bed' has three rooms. Two, technically, because one is a sofa bed in the main room. That means that two of us will need to share.
Here's the thing; Holly has already mentioned this (I don't know how much, though) to Quill, who has decided that he doesn't want to share. He says that if he shared with you, it would be inappropriate for multiple reasons; with me, it would be inappropriate because of out ages; and he couldn't share with George because-- well it's George.
Now, that means that there are two rooms left. One of us needs to share. I would never wish sharing with George on my worst enemy, so I would offer to do it myself. The issue is that George, as you know, has made it clear that he wants to be by himself."

He finally breathed as I let what he'd said sink in. A moment passed. When I spoke, my voice felt wispy. "Does that mean--"

"We'll have to share a room." He interrupted. "I don't have a problem with it at face value, but I also don't want to make you uncomfortable." My face felt warm as his big, dark eyes searched my face. My stomach felt light, too; I ate my lunch quite fast earlier, that's probably why.

"I'm sure it won't be a problem," For a moment, I can't look at him head on. "I don't mind, and I know you won't take up the entire space with your stuff..."

He nodded gently. "Shall I go tell Holly that? Good. If you need help with anything, just call me."

With that, he was gone, leaving me alone to fully take in what he'd said.

My head felt a bit light. I almost opened the window to let in some air when I remembered I needed to have it shut when we left. I didn't want to forget that.

I'm so sorry I haven't done much recently; I was really busy last weekend and kinda forgot I'd been doing this. I hope you like it, and I'll try to get some more done soon. :)

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