When people describe someone as 'petite', they are probably picturing this woman. Slightly shorter than me, she was incredibly skinny but swathed in more layers than Flo. She was a swirling cloud of colours, clinking because of the mass of beaded necklaces hanging at every possible length from her neck. From her ears, two felt sunflowers, as well as a chain on one side that started at the top of her ear and looped down to the lobe were tangled in a few strands of dirty blonde hair; most of this wrapped in a purple bandanna on top of her head. Hair sprouted from this like an uncontrollable plant.

Holly suppressed a smile. "Hey, Rita." With a flourish, the woman released her from a rib crushing hug. "How are you?"

A grin even Lockwood would have been proud of emanated from the woman (Rita). "All the better for seeing you, my love,".

Holly grimaced before gesturing behind her. "This is my flatmate."

With a miniscule swish of tightly curled auburn hair, the girl stepped forward, extending a hand daintily. "Georgia. Hol's has mentioned you"

Both of Rita's hands cupped around Georgia's, shaking minutely but violently up and down. "Holly mentioned you as well! She spoke very highly of you, I-"

"Yes, OK, that's enough for now - it's starting to drizzle, and I'm freezing." Holly laughed awkwardly as she broke the two apart, prising Rita's hands off.

Rita nodded. "Of course, of course."

With that, she bustled us all into the sitting room, where we all put down our stuff, rubbing every possible muscle as we do so.

"Alright, guys! This is the sitting room. Holly says you've all decided where you're going, right? OK. This here is the front room; TV, chairs." She points as she speaks, not staying still foe even a moment. "That there is the sofa bed, and I'm sure you can use one of the little table's drawers if you want to put your stuff somewhere."

George nodded, raising his hand. "I'm here, right near the food."

No one argues.

"If you'll follow me, this here is the kitchen. There's a door there, that's to the garden. The recycling bins are out there, and the regular wheeley bin. There's milk in the fridge, and some bread in there. I'm afraid you'll have to source any other food for yourself." A wink at George. He deflated.

"Heres the dining table. Over there is the bathroom, there's a bath/shower combo, and toilet, sink, etc. as well as a bin for the ladies. If you'll follow me upstairs, I'll show you the bedrooms."

With great difficulty, Lockwood, Quill, and I made our way up the thin stairs. They came up over the dining table, meaning I would probably end up squashed in the corner where there's no space, being one of the shortest of our group and the least likely to help with food (unlike Lockwood and Quill, I know I can't cook).

Balancing our stuff on the top step, we managed to fit on the landing. Rita pointed at the first of the three doors. "That one is the airing cupboard. There are spare sheets in there, if you need any, and any dirty sheets go in a black back in the corner. It would be very much appreciated if you strip the beds before you leave, even if you just leave them in here."

She swivelled on her heel; frankly, an impressive feat in the space available. That one on the right is the single room."

Quill sidestepped into the room, meaning I could actually stand on the landing. As I pulled my stuff up, I wobbled, and all of a sudden, I was falling all the way back down the rickety staircase. Before I could fall, however, Lockwood grabbed one of my flailing arms and pulled me away from the edge. I was fully aware I was digging my nails into his arm, even through his coat and shirt, but at that moment, I was too busy getting my breath back and figuring out where my stomach went to do much about it.

"Are you okay?" He breathed it softly into my ear.

"Yeah..." No sound came out. I cleared my throat. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry." I added, peeling my fingers off his forearm.

Throughout my showstoppers stunt, the landlady had been watching with a furrowed brow. Now, she cleared her throat. "This here, in the middle, is the, uh... the last room. It has an en suite; because of the airing cupboard, there's spare room to the left. I'll leave you to settle in."

She shuffled past us awkwardly, Lockwood catching my eye as she did so. He grimaced; I returned it.

We hadn't actually gotten a good glimpse of Quill's room, so we didn't know what it would look like. With another look at my temporary roommate, I reached out for the door handle.

It opened without a squeak, and we stepped inside, pulling our luggage backwards into the room. I got in first.

As I'm sure you know, as a group, our language is generally family friendly. There's no particular reason; we just don't often have any need to swear. This, however, was an example where I reasoned it was acceptable. Lockwood reached the same conclusion a few seconds later.
Picture Georgia as having River Song vibes (she's from Doctor Who, feel free to Google; Georgia's outfit is very much inspired by River's in 'Let's Kill Hitler'.) Ik Georgia is a very similar name to George, but I thought of it a while ago and am now attached.

Again, pls check my conversations on my profile.

Thank you a_wolfwastaken and Poggers154 for nudging me on with this, tbh I might not have updated even as much as I have if it weren't for you guys.

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