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hi!! this is a book of one-shots, as the title suggests.

most of them are probably going to be centric to isen, remi, and blyke because i'm obsessed with them. some of these will be cross posted onto my ao3 ( anarchdicks ) and others i'm just going to keep only on wattpad because ao3 can be a bit scary sometimes.

i'll take requests, but i can't guarantee i'll fulfill them. this is mainly for my own enjoyment, but i don't mind. i ship a bunch of ships, so there's no harm. these won't all be romantic, either. 

that's all i have to say!!

edit: some of these one-shots break the meaning of a one-shot and kind of co-exist in a story fashion. as of now these one-shots are: i. to the grave, ii. matchmaker, iv. ramen & romance. these will be labelled with this emoji: 🌷 

romance will be labelled with this emoji: 🌸

and platonic relations/prompts/anything not romance focused will be labelled with this emoji: 🌼

ONE WAY STREET ─ unORDINARY one-shots.Where stories live. Discover now