iii - [🌸🌼] so my friend, our time is done.

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premise: in which cecile and isen end their secret relationship (and remi & blyke cheer isen up).

characters: isen, remi, blyke, cecile. 

posted on ao3


"Hey," Isen said softly, sitting down next to Cecile on the park bench. It was a typical Wednesday afternoon, and most people had gone back to their dorms to pursue homework. The air was crisp, paired with soft, gray clouds hiding the sky. "Anything important?" he asked, turning to the teal-haired girl. This wasn't typical for the two of them. Usually before they 'hung out' Isen would extensively research the place they were going, to see either its busiest or slowest hours. Busiest, because they could always gaslight people into thinking it was just that crowded that they were seeing things. Of course, if anyone thought Cecile and Isen being in a top secret relationship was news-worthy enough to submit to the press, it wouldn't get through.

Cecile took a deep breath, fog coming out of her mouth from the cold air. "Yeah, very important," she said, turning to look Isen in the eye. He reached for her hand, but she quickly pulled away. She looked away, becoming interested in a leaf laying on the sidewalk.

"Are you like... breaking up with me, or something?" he joked, but there was a small amount of uncertainty in his voice. After Cecile didn't respond, he nudged her, a serious expression on his face.

"Okay." She turned to look at him. "Yeah, I am– but don't say anything til I'm done," she warned. "It's nothing about you, really... I hate to admit it, but you're great," her tone was rather blunt, like instead of a compliment it was a well known fact. "I'm leaving this year," she started. "I want to leave Wellston, start a new life. I have goals. I don't want you to drag me down," she stated firmly. "And I also don't want you to have unrealistic expectations. I'm not doing long distance bullshit, and I don't want you to follow me wherever I end up going because that's just going to harm you." She fiddled with her thumbs for a moment before moving on. "I want time to move on beforehand, and I'm sure you need some to get over me," she half-smiled.

It was quiet as Isen comprehended everything Cecile had said. He waited a few more seconds just to double check if she was finished. "...Damn," he said finally, resting his chin on his hand. "That's fair, I guess."

"Are you upset?"

"Not as upset as I thought I'd be," he admitted. He wouldn't have said that to anyone else. He could be honest to Cecile. "Not really upset, just... a bit numb. And proud. Great speech."

She elbowed him lightly in the rib. They didn't speak for a couple of seconds. They would've been sitting in complete silence if it hadn't been for the light breeze and the few (annoying) birds chirping. Finally, Cecile spoke again. "We're still not mentioning this, okay?"


"It's just," she began to elaborate– not something she did often. "I don't want rumors following me around or anything, they're pretty annoying.

Isen sucked in a breath. "Yeah, I get it."

The two sat on the rusty bench, three inches away from each other. It wasn't awkward, just quiet. Despite the gloomy day, the park still remained serene. The grass was bright in spite of the mud from the rain earlier. The trees rustled in the wind, paired with a small creak from the bench.

"Hey, Cecile?"


"We can still be friends, right?"

She seemed to ponder over this. "To an extent. Is that okay?"

"That's okay."


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