vi - [🌼] neon green.

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premise: arlo loses a staged bet and gets his hair dyed neon green.

characters: john, arlo, seraphina, remi.


Arlo spotted the frame of a 5'6 purple haired girl sprinting dead at him. He stopped in his tracks.

"ARLO!" yelled Seraphina. She ran up to him, taking a few moments to collect herself. "I..." she stopped to catch her breath . "I bet... that... you can't... I... hold on." She looked up at the ceiling as she tried to recover from chasing Arlo down for 20 minutes straight.

"Take your time," he murmured. This was sort of amusing to him, but he didn't dare to say that. This must be important.

"Okay." She took a deep breath. "I bet I can do more pushups than you in a minute."


"You heard me."

Arlo narrowed his eyes at her. "Bets are dumb."

"What, are you scared I'll beat you?"


"Perfect." She grinned at him. She began to turn around to leave.

"Wait, Seraphina," he called out. "What happens to the loser?"

She looked back at him with a stone cold face. "Winner's choice. John and I will meet you at your apartment."




Arlo was drenched in sweat. He had done 56 push-ups. Seraphina had managed to do fifty-fucking-eight. "What the hell?"

"I told you I could beat you," Seraphina smiled at him.

Meanwhile, John was sitting at Arlo's kitchen island playing Slappy Pigs. At the mention of Arlo losing, he put his phone down and spun around on the tool. "Ready for your loser torture?"

Arlo rolled his eyes. "I don't have to participa–"

"I will beat your ass again."

And so Sera called Remi.

"Hey, can you pick up some green dye for us? Yeah, mhm... brightest you can find. Drop it off at Arlo's? Thanks, love you."

"Love you?" Arlo questioned.

John stared at him. "Got a problem?"

"No, I... I love gay people?" he offered.

John raised an eyebrow at the blond haired boy, but didn't say anything.

"Wait– green hair dye?" Arlo asked in shock. The only part of the phone call that he processed was Seraphina saying "love you" to Remi. "Hell no."

"You lost," John pointed out.


The doorbell rang about ten minutes later. Arlo reluctantly got up and answered it.

At the door, Remi stood with a Warget bag on her arm. "Hi Asslo!" she greeted him cheerfully. "I have the dye." She outstretched her arm, causing the bag to slide down into her hand.

Arlo took the bag. "Thank you."

"Wait, is it for you?" Remi asked, looking from him to the bag.


Remi looked as though she was trying not to laugh. She cleared her throat. "I'm going to talk to Sera for a moment." Without waiting for a response, she slid right past him.

Arlo swore he heard her say something about sending a picture to Isen.


"ARLO. STAY. STILL." Seraphina slapped the back of his stained green neck, though she doubted it hurt due to his passive.

Arlo made a "tsk" sound. "It's cold," he stated, like he was a whiny five year old.

"No shit, Sherlock," John mumbled. He was sitting inside of the sink.

"We're almost done, I swear," Seraphina said. "We're going to let it sit and then wash it out." Her tone was similar to what a mother would use on her whiny five year old.

"Don't talk to me like that."

"We're going to put you in time out, Arlo," John contributed.

Arlo groaned. "Why is he here?"

Seraphina shrugged. "I'm done putting the dye on your hair," she said before taking her gloves off and discarding them.

While they waited for Arlo's dye to sit, the three had an argument over how many holes a straw has. Well, it was mainly Arlo and John.

"It's one continuous hole," Arlo said.

"GOD, you are so STUPID," John exclaimed. "It's TWO FUCKING HOLES."

"I'm not even gonna–" the alarm on Sera's phone interrupted her. "–time to wash out your dye."

Fast forward past some shampoo and hair drying–


"He just looked in the mirror," Seraphina whispered to John as she walked out of the bathroom.

John angled his phone so he could take a picture of Arlo from outside the bathroom. Click.

Seraphina whispered to him again. "Send it to Isen."

The Wellston Weekly that week was... interesting.


word count: 714

for some reason wattpad says my word count is less than what it is on google docs?

i kinda lost motivation for this halfway through lmao

first oneshot without isen i think

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