iv - [🌷🌼] ramen & romance.

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premise: john and isen have a chat over microwaved ramen.

characters: john, isen. 


What was Isen doing with his life? He was sitting on John's bed. John. Out of all the people he could've confided in, he spilled to John. So now here he was, sitting on John's bed, soaking wet from the rain. God, he should've just ignored him. Should've told him what he thought was bullshit. Should've just left. What advice could he possibly offer?–

John came back, holding two cups of ramen noodles with plastic forks stuck into both of them. Dorm life. "I have ramen."

Oh. Okay.

"Thanks," Isen mumbled, taking one cup.

John sat down on the bed, next to Isen. "Okay, spill."


"About Blyke," John said, but there was ramen stuffed in his mouth so it came out a little... funky. "I'm not homophobic, by the way, but how the fuck do you like him?" he questioned. "Romantically, I mean. Did he give you a million dollars or something?"

"Weeeeeee don't need to talk about this."

"I will beat your ass again."

Isen rolled his eyes. "Fine." He shoved ramen in his mouth and purposefully took an extra long time to swallow it. "He's just so..." He made gestures with his hand. "I want to make out with him or something."

"That was too much."

"He's hot!" Isen said defensively. "You wouldn't get it."

"Nah, I'm gay too," John replied.

"I'm not gay," Isen said. "I mean, yeah, I like men, but I'm not gay. I'm like... the thin line between gay and not giving a shit."

"Okay." John had finished his ramen by now, so he got up and chucked it into the trash can. "Go on about Blyke and Remi. You seem irritated," he said sympathetically.

"What are you, my therapist?"

"Yes. Self appointed. You are in need."

"Ugh, okay." Isen stood up and chucked his ramen cup thing into the trash can, before throwing himself back onto the bed. "It's just so... irritating. Like, everywhere I go, it's in my face. I walked in on them making out like last week," he sighed. "And I literally indirectly set them up, so I can't just be like, hey, sorry, I'm in love with Blyke."

John didn't respond for a while. "You're in love with Blyke?"



word count: 372 

i like the idea of an isen/john friendship even though its a bit ooc

i don't know how i feel about this lmao

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