Youtuber AU {2}

392 11 18

Part Two of Youtuber AU, xR4nd0mWr1t3rx wanted a part Two and I thought why not since I was in a mood to write, anyways onto the story.

Also how does this story already have 200+ views? I didn't realize ninjago was this popular on wattpad-

[Characters: Harumi, Lloyd, Jay, Nya, Kai, Skylor, Zane, Cole, Pixal, Vania, Tox, Neuro, Shade, Ash, Griffin, Camille, Dareth]
[Rating: slightly spicy]


Lloyd opened his eyes, his brain was still apparently asleep because he turned around to face Harumi, who had her arms wrapped around him, and snuggled closer to her.

Once his brain was actually awake, he froze, he groggily removed the arms around him and slipped out of the bed.

He changed out of his shorts and green top, switching them for a new white button up and the rest of his clothes that he had worn yesterday.

As he was finished changing into his sweatpants, he fumbled with the button up, his movements groggy from sleep.

He had bought some chains as accessories, he sighed and took a deep breath before he had finally unbuttoned his button-up.

"never expected that the famous streamer who likes to stay up all night and play games had such a fit body." came a angelic voice.

Lloyd froze, his face flushing pink "I go to the gym with Kai and Nya in my free time." he said, putting on the button-up.

Harumi smirked "how'd you sleep?" she asked, Lloyd was about to answer but got cut off "you fell asleep around 1AM if I remember correctly.." she said, pretending to think about it.

Lloyd stayed quiet, she had known he wasn't asleep the whole entire time, he placed the chain accessories on his pants.

Apparently the shop had merch from the streamers so Lloyd had gotten a necklace with the intals RGB, a red, green and blue bracelet and a second necklace with a imperial purple dragon.

He had also gotten a golden chain bracelet, golden colored words that spelled 'Elemental SMP' it was the SMP that Lloyd created with Kai, the other streamers had joined and the server had it's ups and downs but at the end of the SMP, they decided to start over.

They had split into two kingdoms instead of three nations, the Dragon kingdom, ruled by Queen JadeGamer, her advisor Pixal, and Lloyd as her personal guard and leader of their fighters.

The second kingdom, the Rain kingdom, ruled by Shade, having Neuro as his advisor and Griffin as his personal guard and boss of the fighters.

Lloyd made sure to fix his messy hair as much as he could before walking out the room to give Harumi privacy, like the gentleman he is.

He went down to the restaurant to grab them some food, the hotel was quite busy so he didn't want to burden the hotel workers.

He grabbed some waffles with maple syrup for himself and some fluffy American pancakes for Harumi, with powdered sugar.

Kai had texted Lloyd that they were all heading to his room, so he hurried back and already found his friends chatting.

Harumi sat on the bed, scrolling on her phone while Skylor and the other girls were teasing the boys about something in a reaction video.

"here." he handed Harumi her food, she smiled "thanks, Blondie." she said, Lloyd sat down next to her, stuffing his face full.

"what a sweetheart Lloyd is, he brought his Queen breakfast!" Kai joked, Lloyd rolled his eyes and threw a piece of waffle at him.

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