Warrior Cats AU {2}

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Here's the second part! Hope yall enjoy!

And if you are interested in this series then check out my other warrior Cats books!

Also just curious, but if I turned this into a complete book, would some of you read it?

Man- this is after I finished half of the chapter and we almost at 8k already, the reads skyrocketed-

Thank yall for the support!

[characters: Emeraldpaw, Firepaw, Oceanpaw, Stonepaw, Frostpaw, Lightningpaw, Whitepaw, Maskedpaw, Grayfur, Darkstar, Wingstrike (vangelis ShadowClan)
[rating: tense, angst?, talk about near death, mild fluff]


Emeraldpaw glanced up at the strong oak trees, his senses were alert, Grayfur was walking beside him, leading him somewhere.

Emeraldpaw wasn't going to relax any time soon, his near death situation was the cause of it.

Firepaw and Oceanpaw were walking behind him, also alert. Grayfur glanced back at them.

"calm down, your alertness may save your life in the future, but we are in the deepest part of the forest, we are safe." the older cat told them.

Emeraldpaw relaxed a bit, he had just been on a tour through the territory, they were headed to the training hollow, also known as the sandy hollow.

It was the hollow apprentices usually trained in, today they would train to hunt.

Grayfur walked down the slope of the hollow, he jumped onto a rock that was sticking slightly out of the ground.

"we are practicing the hunting crouch, the first thing apprentices learn is hunting." Grayfur told them.

Emeraldpaw glanced at his injured leg, he really hoped the wound wouldn't open again, he really wanted to go the Gathering.

Grayfur got down from the rock and glanced at the other two apprentices "you two already know the hunters crouch, try and show Emeraldpaw." he told them.

Emeraldpaw could feel Grayfur watching them, Firepaw dropped into a crouch.

"look at Firepaw and try to replicate his crouch, I'll help you." Oceanpaw told him, he nodded.

He crouched down, hoping he did it right, he kept pressure off of his injured leg.

"that's good, but your keeping all of your weight on your left side, try keeping it on your haunches." Oceanpaw instructed him.

He adjusted his form, glancing back to look at Firepaw's form again, he glanced over to his mentor, Grayfur was looking around at the other end of the hollow.

He focused on the crouch again, he remember to keep his tail sticking out straight, his legs were in a position that allowed him to lunge at any moment.

"that's good, now try stalking forward." she instructed, remembering her own mentors lessons.

Lloyd did so, placing his paws in front of him, almost completely noiseless, Grayfur called out to him.

"well done!" he called, the two toms stood back up, Emeraldpaw's head raised at the compliment.

"Firepaw, Oceanpaw, go out to hunt at the Sky Oak, I will stay with Emeraldpaw and teach him something else." Grayfur instructed.

The two older apprentices rushed off to the tallest tree in the forest, Emeraldpaw turned to his mentor.

"normally I don't do this, but I am going to teach you some fighting moves." Grayfur told him.

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