Yandere Lloyd {2}

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Yall really liked the first one, so here's part two!

[characters: Red, Lloyd, Harumi]
[rating: fluff? Lil bit of gore]


The blonde woke up to find pale sunlight shining through his windows, Harumi was laying next to him on his bed.

She wore a green hoodie that belonged to him and some sweatpants, she was still fast asleep.

He got out of bed, a dull ache in his head, he grabbed a hoodie and put it on, walking downstairs to make breakfast.

He grabbed some eggs and bacon and started cooking, the aroma must've woken up Harumi as she appeared moments after he put the plates on the table.

"good morning."

"morning." she said, sitting down at the table and started eating, he sat down across from her and started eating too.

They didn't talk, it was silent, but a comfortable silence, despite Harumi finding out he killed, like, 11 people for her.

The blonde broke the silence first.

"I know we have school and everything, but we're both staying in this house for a long while, until I know you won't tell." Lloyd told her.

"Kai and Nya know what I do, they're my siblings, like I've asked last night, if you meant how many guys I killed for you or my fam, I killed a few people for them." he continued.

"they will be bringing us their notes, so we won't lag behind our grades." he finished, she sighed.

"can we at least hang out in the backyard a few times or something?" she asked "I don't think I can survive in a house for however long."

The blonde nodded "mhm, of course." if he was keeping her in his house for probably a month or three, he'd of course let her in the backyard.

They continued eating in silence, until they heard scratching on the back door, both of them grinned, knowing it was Red.

Lloyd rushed over and unlocked the door flap or whatever it was called, and let the pup through.

Red barked happily as he saw Harumi, running over and jumping onto her lap, nuzzling her hand as she raised it to pet him.

"so, uh.." the blonde started "there are still, uh, deceased bodies I need to get rid off." he scratched the back of his neck.

Harumi grimaced as she imagined the blonde dragging the two dead bodies to FSM knows where, leaving behind blood trails on the floor and their limbs flailing around.

"don't worry, I know how to get rid of them from inside the house, no blood dripping on the floors, no legs or arms, or heads flailing." he assured her.

They had a giant furnace in the basement, used for making weapons, as Ray and Maya were blacksmiths, and to get rid of bodies.

She gave him a small smile before perking up as Red lifted his head onto her knee, holding his little green ball in his mouth.

"can I go play with Red?" she asked, the blonde looked up from his phone "you can do anything, just don't try to leave, please."

The woman nodded and followed Red upstairs as he ran towards his very own room.

Lloyd chuckled and went down into the basement, grabbed a red sheet from a corner and rolled Jason's disgusting deceased and bloody body into the sheet.

He picked it up with a grunt and carried it over to the already burning furnace, throwing Jason in there.

The sheet helped with keeping the house clean, and to set the body aflame faster.

He walked back upstairs, carrying another sheet and taking care of Zack while Harumi was playing with Red.

The blonde turned on his shower and let the blood clear out, he took of his hoodie and began to clean the rim of the shower.

His head ached more and he grunted in pain as he felt a sharp pain in his head.

Harumi watched him from the doorframe, watching the powerful muscles on his body flex as he moved his arms.

He almost slipped because of the water that was still pouring from his shower head, coating his face and hair.

Harumi silently walked up beside him and quickly caught him as he slipped, drops of blood fell onto the tiles and she turned him around to see that his eyes were glazed with pain and his head was bleeding again.

She put the dirty and wet cloth in the basket in the corner and led the blonde back to his room, turning off the shower before she left.

Harumi sat him on his bed, the blonde grunted in pain as his head throbbed, Harumi placed a cold hand on his cheek and he relaxed into her touch.

"let me redo your bandage." she told him, he sighed and let her grab the first aid kit and redo his bandage.

Once she had finished, Red had come in and cuddled up to his owner, stretching up to sniff at the bandage.

Lloyd gently petted his little puppy, Harumi had ordered him to stay in bed and rest.

She was downstairs, watching TV. The blonde was restless, he had too much energy and he was bored.

He crawled off of the bed, telling Red to stay there, and walked out of his room and looked over the railings.


He saw the white-haired girl turn around to face him, she frowned as she noticed he wasn't in bed.

"what's wrong?" she asked, he bounced on his feet "I'm too restless," he admitted "and I'm bored."

She sighed "how about I get some candy for us, and we can play Minecraft upstairs?" she suggested.

She knew if he had a sugerhigh, he'd crash hard afterwards and sleep for an hour or four.

She went to the drawer full of candy and grabbed some of his favorites, she walked upstairs and saw that the blonde had already started up a multiple player Minecraft world.

She chuckled as his eyes lit up as he saw the candy in her arms, she put it down on the desk and the blonde immediately grabbed a handful of gummy bears.

He stuffed them into his mouth and shuffled back on the bed, laying down with the pillow propped underneath him.

She grabbed the second controller and sat down next to him, Red cuddled up between their legs and fell asleep.

After a two hours of building a storage house, a base farms and gathering materials and eating candy, Lloyd's sugerhigh ended and he had crashed.

The blonde was fast asleep, curled under the duvet, Harumi smiled at him and turned off the electronics.

She joined him and Red in the bed, the small puppy and laid down on the right side of the bed.

Leaving Harumi in the middle and Lloyd on the left, he must've been cold, because he shivered in his sleep and cuddled up to her.

She kissed his forehead, her lips lingering on the skin, his head fell into the crook of her neck and she soon fell asleep too.

I'm sorry it's short, I just have writer's block on somewhat all the oneshots I'm currently working on, and I felt like I haven't posted enough the past weeks.

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