Stuck Together

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Plot- Mineta after being captured by the LOV and torture for months with no mercy, mineta finally escapes and runs until his feet burns but he's found my inko who help but mineta is mental stay so she adopts mineta and deku has a new brother and he's not happy but fight breaks out between the family, which brings the new brothers together.
(Mineta is five foot three and is quirk has changed after being abused by the LOV)

Author Pov
      Gasps for breaths could be heard as his feet were sore as he ran through the trees and into the city. Mineta has just escaped the LOV after eight months. Nobody didn't come for so mineta had suffer for eight months. Mineta was stabbed, burned, experimented on just to get answers out of him. Well, UA and the pro heroes have been working on plan to stop all villains.
     So one day while mineta was walking to grab a few things like porn magazine for his room he was taken. He was then questioned but he didn't answer. They thought they could get mineta to talk but mineta didn't break. After eight months mineta was like a broken doll. Until he git the chance to escape and took it and now we're here.
    Mineta has dark wings as he also lost his quirk during all the experiments. But learned he had a new quirk he didn't know what it was called but he could could control shadows. Mineta walked through the dark alleys as he grinned at the sunlight as he missed for so long. While he walked he sat in alley as he debated whether to go to UA but he can't remember where it was located.
     While thinking it was interrupted by a lady with green hair as she walked to mineta who backed up in fear. "No, it's okay sweetie I won't hurt where are your parents?" She asked but mineta shaked his head, his parents died by the LOV, once they knew he wasn't giving them answers. "Well, I'm Inko and what's your name sweetie?" She asked in a sweet tone.
    "M-my n-name i-is Mineta Mi-." Mineta stopped he couldn't remember his last name. "Oh... your that kid that went missing from the news come here sweetie." Inko said. Go on, she's nice I promise. A voice said and mineta nodded. Mineta stranded as his wings came into view and so are the scars. The voice is nothing he only talks went needed.
     Inko eyes widen in sadness as she walked the boys skin, mineta looked at her. Inko gesture that he follows her and mineta did as they walked people gave some sad stares. Once they arrived Inko walked into her home as she opened her door. Mineta went in and she locked the door behind her. "W-what i-is today?" Mineta asked, "oh today is Thursday 6th November." Inko answered.
     Mineta nodded, "my son Izuku should be home this weekend so let's give you a bath."Inko suggested and mineta nodded. After a bath mineta but on some of Izuku's old clothes. "There all clean and nice, I'm gonna cook dinner you sit down and watch tv okay Hun." Inko said and mineta did as asked. Mineta sat and watched whatever was showing and then ate dinner before sleeping.
    He slept in spare room inko had for her guests and when mineta woke up he was happy, that is wasn't a dream that he has escape the LOV. Mineta walked downstairs as he saw Inko make breakfast as she smiled when she saw him. "Morning mineta, breakfast is almost ready so go have bath and the come and eat and I wanna talk to you." She said and mineta nodded as he took the bath.
      Mineta came downstairs once changed and ate the pancaked made for him as Inko began to speak. "Well Hun, how would you like to go back to UA?" She asked, "I-I don't have p-parents, so c-can't go." Mineta said and inko nodded. "Well, how about I become your guardian so you can go?" She asked and mineta thought about it for a while before nodded.
     Inko smiled, "great, I'll go call Shota and tell him about this and let Izuku come home early." She said and mineta just nodded and that's what happened. To be fair, Mr.Aziawa shocked to hear about mineta and how inko found but was relieved to hear he was safe and found now. When Izuku came home he was just as shocked as Inko told about him about she planned to do.
      Izuku wasn't very happy about mineta being his brother adopted or not but didn't complain after what he heard what happened since mineta had explained. He didn't explain in detail but he explained and they understood. So during the weekend mineta was working on his speech so he wouldn't stutter as much and it worked.
    Mineta was quite obedient which kinda scared but learned to say no if he felt uncomfortable. It was kinda weird how fast he learned but that's what eight months if abuse does to you. So once the adoption was final Monday morning mineta, Izuku and Inko were heading to UA. "Okay, Izuku remember don't let anyone overwhelmed your brother." Inko said.
    Izuku mentally cursed after hearing his mother calling him and mineta brothers but he smiled and nodded. Izuku would just ignore mineta it's nothing he'll need as much. "Mineta don't forget too text if you feel like coming home." Inko said, "yes mom." Mineta answered. Inko insisted that mineta called him mom because was very happy about adopting him.
      "Okay both you have fun and call me on weekends kay." She said and the both nodded. Mineta knew that Izuku wasn't happy about him be brothers adopted or not. Mineta was just happy to have a family again after his real one killed right in front of because he wouldn't talk. But, he promises to make this family happy no matter what.

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