My Villain, My Hero

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Plot- Mineta is a hero and he's starts to fall in love with a villain that comes to the school so change his way. What happens when the two begin to fall in love but mineta sees that the boy villain ways are coming back will mineta help him or will mineta let him fall.

Author Pov
    Mineta minrou a second year student at UA academy, with not that great reputation as the schools 'perv'. But, mineta gets by with ease as he just not talk to anyone. He's not pervert anymore, he came out as gay a few weeks ago. I guess people don't believe him, but mineta doesn't care. Once he doesn't need be a pervert anymore he's all good.
    Right now they're in class as Mr.Aziawa brings in the electric killer kaminari denki. He's been terrorizing the community since he they found out about him. Apparently he's the same age as the kids in the school and the villain rehab is a thing. "Okay class, this is kaminari denki, he'll be your classmate treat him like any other child in this class." Mr.Aziawa said.
    Bakugou was about to open his mouth, "yeah I know, but we have his quirk under control and no bullying he's kid just like all you brats. I'm gonna go sleep kaminari make yourself at home and don't try to escape." Mr.Aziawa warned slipping into his yellow sleeping bag as denki found a seat next to kirishima. "Hey denki, you wanna hang out during break." Kirishima asked.
     Kaminari nodded as the bell went for break and mineta immediately left to his spot on the rooftop. He knows he should be trying to make denki feel welcome but the class is already doing that. Mineta wouldn't even bother, he highly doubts that kaminari would even notice. But, fortunately for him kaminari did see him when he left and was very curious.
   Kaminari looked towards the 'friends' he made, "whose that." He asked. "Oh, that's mineta but don't mind him he's a pervert and he's lying saying he's gay." Mina said. Kaminari gave a little glare, "you know for heroes, I thought you guys would be a little bit forgiving but eh." Denki said as he left to find mineta. Everyone looked at him shocked and some looked down in embarrassment.
     Mineta sat down in the rooftop as he heard footsteps as denki sat down in front of him. "Hey." Denki said, "hi denki, do you need something?" Mineta asked, "I wanna hang out with you." Denki said and mineta was quite surprise but nodded. Mineta didn't know that denki was very much likely to stick with him like glue but he's about to find out.
     The bell rings as mineta got up and starts heading to class as denki follows close behind him. Once they arrived at class, mineta sat down in the far back and gave denki a little smile. Class went on like usual and before you know the day was over and classes were done. Mineta went to his dorm as it was a lovely Friday he decided to go out and treat himself.
     Mineta got dress in a jean shorts and a top and put on some shoes as he grabs his bag with his phone and money. You know all that stuff to have in a bag. Once he was done mineta went out as everyone gave him stares. Mineta didn't pay tham no mind as he went to the kitchen to grab something to drink. He was drained and probably might pass out from just walking.
    After all of that he went out and saw denki, "hi denki." Mineta said with a smile. "Are you going somewhere?" Denki asked but it sounded of more a demand but mineta just brushed it off as his imagination. "Yeah, it's Friday I'm thinking about getting something to eat out." Mineta said turning to leave as his hand was grabbed.
    The class was just as shocked as mineta, "I wanna come with you." Denki said, "I can't the pros don't trust you just yet." Mineta said as he tries to release his arm. "Do you trust me?" Denki asked as his eyes darken. "Of course I trust about this I'm gonna give you some and if you manage to keep safe then, I give something when I come back." Mineta said.
    Denki nodded with a little glitter in his eyes as he let go mineta hand. "Good, here this is Mr.Fumble he's a gift from my grandma keep him safe okay." Mineta said with smile handing it to him, "what will it prove?" Denki asked, "well it'll prove that we can trust you enough and if you keep that safe then the trust will grow bye denki." Mineta said before heading out.
    "Bye mineta." Denki said with a little smile as he sat down with the stuff animal in front of him. "Hey denki can we see that stuff animal?" Deku asked, "mineta has trust in me so no." Denki said sternly as he continued to watch tv with everyone. After two hours mineta is back and denki is the first to get up. "I kept it safe like you asked." Denki said.
    Mineta smiled, "that's good, your reward is a head pat and a charm of your choosing." Mineta said patting his head. "Charm what the fuck will the charm do?" Bakugou asked rather rudely, "well, we'll call it the trust charm each time you do something trust worthy I give you charm Kay." Mineta said and denki smiled so mineta smiled back.
     Denki chose a dolphin charm as the day came to end. After that mineta had charms for everytime denki did something trust worthy. The teachers were very supportive of this as it was helping denki a lot. But denki wasn't doing it for the charms mineta would give him little kiss on cheek after the charm and that what denki wants.
    During that time mineta starts catching a feelings but mineta also noticed a few things. Three months passed and mineta noticed that denki tools that keeps his quirk under control is were off. Mineta kept in notice that denki would sneak out in the middle of the night and come back late. Mineta was really worried so he began to stay close to denki.

Mineta Pov
    I don't know what's going on, it's been eight months now and I just came back from following denki. It turns out he's been talking to the league of villains. But, denki still made a effort to make me proud so I don't know if the villains are planning to take him. I was in my dorm as tears flow down my cheek. I was really starting to love him, I mean I already do.
    But, I thought that he wouldn't do this not now, I heard a knock on my door, "min min you there?" Denki asked. I immediately wipe my tears and opened the door as he walked in. "He denki you doing okay?" I asked and he nodded as we both sat down on my bed, "yeah, I'm fine I just really wanted to see you to asked you something." He said and I froze for a bit but I shaked it off.
     "Yeah sure what is it." I said, "if I go back to being a villain would still trust me?" He asked and leaned back on him. "Yeah, but a little trust would leave but I would still trust you won't be come a villain right?" I asked and I felt him stiffened. "N-no it was just a question."he said and I pulled a smile. "Yeah why would you, I'm right here to bring you back." I said still smiling.
    I looked at him and so did he as we leaned into each other and we kissed. Denki wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me closer as I kissed back. The kiss broke as we looked at each other as we smiled at each other. I promise to help denki in whatever I can so he doesn't go to the villains. After that night denki changed but for the worse he would vandalize things.
    Nobody could prove it was him but I saw behind that innocent smile and I couldn't do anything. I didn't have proof and I didn't want to break his trust. I still tried to talk him out if it sometimes when I can he listens but then his his were darken. It's been nine months and today we're training and I can find denki. I looked around but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.
     I had gotten this feeling in my stomach, I think something bad is about to happen. After a while of training the ground began to shake as a portal opened up and denki and the league of villains walled out. "Hello heroes." Shigaraki spat at us with a smirk, "denki is back with us now attack." He said as they started to attacking us and I was devastated.
     Denki was attacking everyone with no mercy, "TRY GETTING CLOSE TO HIM MAYBE HE'S UNDER SOME CONTROL!??"Deku yelled and we nodded and I was on the defense as I cleared away from someone to get to denki. Denki looked at me and his eyes widen but I didn't know why. I was so close to denki, "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!?!" Dabi yelled charging at me.
     I couldn't react fast enough before being thrown and knocked out.

Denki Pov
    My eyes as I watched mineta's body flew into a wall and I think I heard crack. They said they wouldn't hurt him they lied to me, I didn't want to hurt he still trusted. I looked at dabi, "you guys promised you wouldn't hurt him." I said as my electric quirk surrounded me. "PATCHWORK YOU'RE FUCKING STUPID OR SOMETHING!??" Shigaraki yelled.
    I went to mineta as I held him up to me, "min min, your okay right...y-you said you'll pull back i-if I became a villain....p-please wake up...I'll be hero I promise...." I said shaking him as I watch blood run down his head but no response. I was crying as I looked towards the villains, "listen here kid it was just a minor injury, don't freight over it." Shigaraki said as I stood up.
    "Minor injury, I'll show you minor injury." I said as I started to attack them. The class looked shocked especially the pro heroes as I glare at them. "What are you fucking waiting for an invitation if mineta doesn't survive I will set the cool on fire." I said as I continue to attack knocking the villains out. Once the pro heroes took the villains the looked at me.
    I went my way to recovery room as I walked in I saw mineta breathing and well. I sighed with relief as I looked behind me and saw the pro heroes behind me. "You're not taking me anywhere." I said sternly, "were not here to take you, thank you for helping us defeat and capture the villains." Enji said and I smiled and nodded, "you're welcome Endeavour." I said.

Author Pov
    After a few hours mineta had awaken with denki next to him, "denki." Mineta said softly and denki looked up and kissed mineta immediately. "Min min, I missed you I won't be a villain anymore okay just don't leave me." Denki said and mineta smiled and rubbed his head. "It's okay denki and I know you won't be a villain anymore because I'm there to pull right back." Mineta said.
    The laughed as the class came and paid their respect leaving the two together. Denki and mineta kissed once again before looking at each other, "will you be my boyfriend?" Denki asked, "of course I will." Mineta answered, "My hero." Denki said, "My Villain." Mineta responded as mineta laid to rest with his new boyfriend next to him happily.  

The End
Hey guys I hope you guys like this story and I hope you guys like, comment, vote and follow me for more mineta oneshots and Until Next Time my lovelies byeeee 👋👋


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