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Lucia POV


BANG BANG I heard loud knocking on my door. It was almost midnight. I had been in my room all day. I was stuck with my thoughts, no Amelia or class to distract me. I was really attached to this girl, and not knowing what happened to her the previous day was killing me.

I left my room and opened the door, thinking it would just be drunk Willow. She was out, either with that pink-haired girl or Hunter. Poor guy.

Instead of Willow, I opened the door to see-- AMELIA?!

"Blight? What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked leading her into my dorm. She stumbled to the couch. Shit, she's drunk.

She leaned back on the couch and smiled when I kneeled down by her. "Luciaaaaaa, I missed yewww!" She tried to reach for my face but I pushed her hand down.

"Amelia, what's going on?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and looked down at me.

"Nnothiinguh. You're much fffunnerr when you'rre drrrrunk," she said, hiccupping on the last word.

"What do you mean?"

"Uhhhhh, wellll, you kinda beat up, liiike, 3 guyyyyss, because onee of themm was trying to rape meeeuh. And guess what? YOu almost killled one of themm" She whispered the last sentence and then giggled. "LIke, full  on, BROKe all his ribs. OOH AND THEN you said you wanted to kiss me. HEheheh."

I had no idea what to say. First of all, the fact that I had almost killed a guy scared me. Would I even be able to show my face around campus? But even worse was what Amelia had gone through. I-- I couldn't even begin to imagine that...

"Amelia, I think we need to get you back to your dorm..." I said. I grabbed her hand and stood her up.

"BUt your dorm is sssooo much mbetterrrruh." At least now I knew Amelia was a fun drunk.

"Okay, but you need to get in bed, and I can't just have a drunk girl in my bed."

"RUUde, I'm not drr--" she paused and gagged. My eyes widened.


Without a word I dragged her to the bathroom and quickly leaned her over the toilet and pulled her hair back. She threw up for like a fucking minute straight. It got all over the toilet, some on her shirt.

Once it seemed like she was done, I told her again that she needed to get home. This time she came a little more willingly.

I dragged her back to her dorm and earned some stares from others in the hallway. Walking in, I saw a bottle of vodka on the floor, completely empty. God, I hope she didn't drink that whole thing, I thought. I finally got her in her room and sat her on the edge of her bed. There was still vomit all over her shirt.

"Can you get this off on your own?" She didn't answer me and tried to lay back on her bed. I pulled her back up gently by her arm. So no, she wouldn't take it off on her own. Goddammit. This was going to be awkward.

"Okay, Amelia, I'm gonna help you get this off, is that okay?" I said, making sure she looked me in the eyes and said yes. She nodded. "Okay, arms up." She put her arms up like a little kid. I gently removed the dirtied shirt, leaving parts of Amity's small, pale body exposed.

I tried my best not to look at her when I went to look for a new shirt. I found a plain white tee and brought it back over to where the green-haired girl sat. She had stayed put, and she now looked less happy, like she was earlier, but now she looked zoned out. She also had her arms wrapped tightly around her midsection.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. This girl had been through too much. She nodded and sniffled and I saw tears in her eyes. If she didn't want to talk about it, I wouldn't make her. I had her lift up her arms again and put the shirt on.

I bent down to take off her shoes. She seemed to have sobered up a little bit from throwing up, so I told her she could change her pants while I went to get her a drink.

I went into her kitchen which was completely trashed, the booze cupboard open, dishes all over the place... I looked in the fridge: nothing but booze, and one red Gatorade. I brought that back to Amelia's room and she had, supposedly, changed and gotten under her covers.

"Here, drink it," I sat on the side of her bed. She took the Gatorade and started drinking it. I didn't have time to examine her too closely earlier, but now I could. She had been crying. Like, a lot. "Amelia," I said quietly. She looked up, tears gleaming in her eyes. "What's going on?"

That was when she started sobbing. I inched a little bit further onto her bed and pulled her into my arms. She just cried and cried. Occasionally I heard "My mom," or "Not good enough," or "Party" but I really couldn't tell what she was trying to say.

It was enough though. I understood the feeling. I just let her cry into my chest for around 30 minutes. She eventually calmed down.

"Lucia," she said and looked back up to me. "I'm so sorry." She really didn't sound drunk anymore. "I love you, Lucia." I looked into her eyes, my mouth gaping wide open. I had never been in love before. Was I now? How could I know?

As if she could read my mind, she said, "It's okay, you don't have to know right now. I can wait." She placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me softly. It wasn't long before she pulled back.  I just sat there in shock.

"That's just so you know, I've wanted to kiss you for a long fucking time. I didn't want you to taste vomit though." She laughed. I was still sitting on her bed, blushing.

"Oh, ahah, uhm- I should go." She looked at me and now she was the one blushing.  "Get some sleep, Blight. Goodnight."

I left and quickly went back to my dorm, locking Amelia's door and putting her key back under her doormat.

I went into my room. Willow was back, and by the sound of it, she had somebody in her room. Anyways, I pulled out my phone and opened Amelia's contact. I looked at the name: Blight. Today was the first time I had ever called Amelia by her first name, I realized.

God, I did love her now. And that was fucking scary. She could get hurt because of me. I was the one who invited her to that damn party.

I pushed my thoughts aside and texted her.

Lucia: i left the key under your mat

Lucia: stay safe amelia and sleep well <3

I put my phone down. She was probably already passed out at this point. I changed out of my, now wet with tears, shirt, got in bed, and fell asleep with the beautiful green-haired girl on my mind.

a/n: eat up the lumity my children. im sorry its kinda late, had very little motivation lately, but your comments have fueled me! thanks so much for 200 reads! love yall

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