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Amelia POV
language warning

I had been texting Lucia for like an hour. She had left this morning with no notice, before I had even woken up. It was like 3 in the afternoon and she still hadn't responded to any of my texts. I had texted her roommate, Willow, and she told me Lucia hadn't responded to any of her texts either.

I was concerned. It wasn't like Lucia just to go missing, or at least the Lucia I know. I was especially worried because I had to go to my parents' house again tonight. What if something went wrong again with my mom? Should I just not go? I wish Lucia were here to tell me what to do.

Well, she wasn't. I couldn't change that. I got a text from Edric saying he was here to get me, so I grabbed my coat and headed to his car.

When I got in his car, his eyes widened and he said, "Nice hair, Mittens."

"Oh right, thanks," I said. I felt sad, since that reminded me of last night with Lucia. We headed off to my parents' house.

Gay Timeskip

As far as I knew, tonight was only supposed to be a family dinner, not another big gala. Edric walked me in and as soon as I passed the doorway I was greeted by the icy glare of my mother.

"Hello, Amelia," she said, a bite showing through her fake nice tone. She must have noticed my hair. "Your father and sister are in the family room. We are still waiting for the chefs to finish making our supper. Come, sit with us."

She gave me her usual ugly ass fake smile and beckoned me to follow her to the living room. When I got in, I saw Emira sitting next to some brown-haired girl. Emira's eyes widened, supposedly at my lavender hair. 

"Amelia, this is Emira's... friend— Vinney." Odalia had a look on her face that told me she didn't very much approve of this friendship. I made it a point that night before dinner to only talk with Emira and Vinney, just to get at my mom.

Some 10 minutes went by before dinner was ready. Everything went relatively smoothly, aside from my mom's frequent glares at me, but I couldn't stop thinking about Lucia. It was around 7 by the point dinner was done and she still hadn't responded to any of my messages.

The entire time Edric drove me home, I got no messages from Lucia. The entire time I sat alone in my dorm, no texts from Lucia. When Boscha got home, no messages from Lucia. That whole night, I stayed awake by my phone, and got no texts from Lucia.


I was still drunk when I drove back to that girl's house. I was sober when I woke up, naked, in her bed at 2 a.m. and then got dressed and drove back to my mom's house. Our house. When I woke up, I went downstairs and got cereal, like I used to every day before school. I hadn't checked my phone since I left campus, so I decided to pick it up and take a look at it.

45 texts from Amelia

13 missed calls from Amelia

12 texts from Willow

2 missed calls from Willow

1 text from Vee

"Fuck," I said to myself. I couldn't even think about Amelia right now. I would end up hating myself. I decided to read Vee's text first.

Vee: they pushed mom's surgery to a week from tomorrow, you should prob wait at ur dorm till then

I had classes. Fuck. I read the text and drove back to campus, clearing every single thought from my head.


I opened my dorm door and walked in.

"Lucia?" Willow called from her room. When she walked out into the living room. When she looked at me, her expression softened. "Oh, Lucia..." I tried to smile, but tears formed in my eyes and a sob started in my throat. Willow just hugged me and held me. Neither of us had to say anything, I just stood there and cried into her shoulder for a few minutes.

We went into Willow's room and I told her everything that happened, including about the blond. She just sat there and listened. I couldn't ask for a better best friend than Willow.

"You were right, Wills, I sleep around too much. I fucked up, dude," I said between sobs and sniffles.

"Hey, I never meant it like that," she said.

"Shit, I mean, what if Amelia finds out? Will she think I've just been a dick and have been leading her on this whole time?"

"If you really care about her, you'll tell her straight up, not just let her 'find out'. And if she really cares for you, she'll understand."

I didn't say anything, I just sat there.

"I think you should go over there and talk to her, Lucia, or she'll think you've been keeping it from her."

"Yeah, okay." I said.

"Whenever you're ready. For now you can stay in here. I'll get you some food, okay?"

"Okay, thanks Wills. Love you."

"Love you back."


I was still in bed when I heard the knock on my door. I opened it to see Lucia. She looked like shit.

"Hey." she said. She gave me a sad smile and I led her in. She didn't sit on the couch or anything. She just stood and looked at the ground.

"Where have you been? I was so worried. You can't just go missing like that. I had to-" Lucia didn't seem like she was listening. "Hey, you there?"

She looked up a little bit and said "Mhm."

"What's going on, Lucia? I really needed you yesterday."

She still looked at the ground. My frustration began to rise a little bit. I fucking hate being ignored.

"Lucia, where the fuck were you?"

I sounded like she tried to say something but my frustration got the better of me and I overran her, "Look, Lucia, I really needed you yesterday, and you weren't answering any of my calls or texts. I had to see my mom yester-"

"That's what you're worried about?" Lucia finally looked up and said something. I saw the tears in her eyes.

"Well, yeah, I-"

"You're worried about your mom, what, not liking your hair or something? Fucking grow up, Amelia. There's bigger problems than-"

"No, you're not listening, Lucia, I was just trying to say that my mom-"


Lucia started sobbing and I just stood there, dumbstruck for a hot second before I said

"Look, Lucia, I care so much about you, and-"

"How could you care about somebody who fucked somebody else?"

And she walked out of my dorm.

I just stood there.

"Amelia? What happened?" I heard Boscha's voice behind me.

"I have no idea." A tear made it's way down my cheek.

a/n: uh oh more angst

also, 2 chapters in a day? go me ig. dont be expecting this much consistency from me lmaooo

sorry for the angst overload, love you byeeeeee

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