Chapter 6

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"Yeah, sure."

The gym was lightly lit by the mid-afternoon sun beaming through the high windows.

Gojo wore a pair of new, high-end, shatterproof sunglasses. As Geto was still recovering, though pretty much back to normal, they took time in stretching, and as usual, Geto was taken aback by his flexibility. He could easily slip into the splits on either side and not only touch his toes but touch them with his elbows.

Both dramatically removed their jackets, tossing them to the side of the gym, and only Gojo was able to not-so-subtly look his opponent up and down due to the black glasses.

They shot and dribbled a ball each with one another for more time than either thought. It wasn't just Gojo who had been improving, though his techniques made it easier than having to go out and catch curses like butterflies, Geto had been pushing himself stamina and physicality-wise, barely breaking a sweat for their whole game.

"Hey idiots, there's food." She looked up from her phone, "What the--"
Both of them were flipping each other off with their tongues out. Geto charged at Gojo, body slamming into his waist.
"Stawp- Good lord-" Shoko chopped the back of Geto's neck, releasing his hold on the other.

"Haha, I win."

"You're such a brat, no you fucking don't!" Geto tried charging once again. Shoko took a step forward with an agitated, yet blank expression, knowing he'd stop as to not collide with her. Her eye twitched and she grabbed both their collars.
"I said: It's lunchtime."
She dragged them away.

They all three sat at a nice wooden table, tucking into the cafeteria food. Unlike most other high schools, however, it was actually pleasant to look at and even more so to eat.

"How're your ribs, Geto?" She asked him genuinely, the mediator between both boys.
"Fine," he grumbled. Tired of being asked of what was a moment of failure to him.

"Ooo someone's jealous!" Gojo pointed a fry in his face.

"Of what?!" Geto swallowed a bite.

"You can't self-heal." Gojo batted a full set of white lashes, puckering his lips in a cheesy kiss face. Though in truth, he was adept at reading Geto to a very high degree and could tell that the fact he had to rely on others for help in that way slightly bothered him.

"Gojo so help me if you end up staining my skirt again-" Shoko warned firmly, already gaining a degree of foresight.

Geto conjured a snake curse, with bulging red eyes on either side of its head like a dumb goldfish.

Gojo shrieked in a falsetto and tipped Shoko's drink. "NO NOT THAT ONE-"

He recalled having woken up on the train many a mission ago to the curse crawling up the leg of his pants, screaming: "IT'S GONNA BITE MY DICK!" All the while around many people who saw nothing thus resulting in them being kicked off said train, and Geto laughing harder than Gojo had ever seen, with a smile that bared every tooth and actual tears rolling down his cheeks. Geto's defense for such an action having been that Gojo drifted off onto his shoulder. It seemed as though that was fine until a slick patch of drool began to dampen his shoulder and then the line was drawn.

"DUMBASS!" Shoko yelled, also getting up and having to deal with a wet lap. She chased one of the world's strongest sorcerers with a plastic knife and fork.

Geto sat back and crossed his arms, smiling contently.
"OH NO YOU DON'T, YOU STARTED THIS!" Shoko did a lap back towards him and prodded the flimsy utensil into his back.

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