Chapter 14

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An incandescent anger filled him.

A wretched, macabre opera of screaming, cries, and tortured souls weighed down on the air. A symphony turned sour of explosions, shrapnel, and wreckage. And yet he felt nothing. Not a drop of remorse.

He hadn't thought it would be like this. When accepting the mission, and reading the paperwork, it wrote itself out as something else entirely. He didn't initially want to kill anyone in the village. He didn't want to kill anything but a curse at all. He hadn't even considered it. In an unsettled mindset and absolute fearsome rage, something just snapped.

He stepped back into the dark house, the only building left fully standing. Geto let out an angular curse that gnawed at the metal bars, giving release to the two frail figures. They weren't sure what to make of it, but it confirmed to him that they could see it. The file was wrong. Both girls didn't move even though an escape now presented itself.

"It's alright. Are you cold?" He took off his jacket, bundling the girls as one in the thick fabric. Both shivered out of fright, initially wincing at his touch. He rubbed their shoulders to attempt a pitiful warmth.

One of the girls had a busted lip and eye which was shut from the swelling. The other sniffled back cries.

Geto inhaled sharply, and stood, the wreckage not yet having dawned on him. He took a hair tie off his wrist and pulled just the upper half into a bun to get it off his face. He no longer felt the need to look put together or classy in the eyes of Jujutsu society. What did they ever give him in return?

The girls stared at him in a childish wonder.
"Would you... like me to do your hair?" He asked, bending down and extending a hand into the crate. They were beyond hesitant.

Geto let another small curse out. He didn't want to rush them but knew that they couldn't stay there long. It most similarly resembled a starfish and was happily flapping all 5 arms on the ground.

The girl with dirty blonde hair extended a finger to poke it, and it recoiled up into the shape of a fig. She ever so slightly smiled.

"You can trust me. I promise you're safe now." Except as it stood, they weren't. He just couldn't let them know as much. "It just so happens that I have two hair ties left." He succeeded in coaxing them out of the animal cage.

Geto put their hair into small ponytails like his own because it was all he knew how to do, and their short chopped bobs didn't lend themselves to much else.

He convinced them onto his manta ray, securing them both in his lap as he flew upwards. Geto scouted a spot and landed on top of a shrine just outside of the village.

He dismounted them carefully, holding each girl on one hip, and found a little covered area to set them down under, unsure of what to do next. His mind began to fixate on all of the outcomes, none of which were good. Each dawned on him worse than the last. They pulled his heart down deep at the thoughts.

As he presently stood, Geto was still in shock, and he wasn't the only one. "Help me," A voice so shaken and disturbed called out barely loud enough for him to hear against the surrounding storm. He rushed back to their side. "It's Mimiko," she held her sister in her arms.

She was having a panic attack and a sallow color flushed her face. Geto acted before he could properly think, falling to his knees in front of them and hugging them both tight.

He rocked Mimiko in his arms until she settled, "Just breathe," he blueprinted an inhale then exhale, looking into her eyes. "What's your name?" He tenderly asked the other girl.

"Nanako," her eyes remained pinned on her sister.

Gojo didn't believe Yaga. He was so angry in disbelief that he punched a wall clean through. Yaga tried to console him and tell him off at the property damage but could see how much it absolutely killed Gojo to hear such a thing about his other half.

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