Chapter 7

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Gojo finally looked up from the work in front of him. He was distracting himself from a smaller mission Geto took alone to get back into the swing of things. It felt raw to be separated after what he considered to be a heart-to-heart, but both were content to take everything as it came, not rushing labels or anything of the sort, knowing they had all the time in the world.

His phone buzzed, Geto asking where on campus he happened to be. A moment or so later, the wooden door was opened.
"Satoru," he exhaled, a small smile becoming more commonplace when seeing him.

"Wait, no, you're not Satoru." He looked down at the mess of papers, calculator, and up at the blackboard behind him wiped with messes of chalk and complex equations.

Gojo grinned, "I can teach you a thing or two." There was a charm to his voice. Irked by the fact he blushed at such a thing, Geto was still curious.

"What exactly are you doing?" He pulled a square stool out from under the other side of the table and sat with one leg up on the higher bar and one on the ground, noticing a trash can full of sweet wrappings. " long have you been here, exactly?" He'd only just returned, not yet having showered or settled in. The first thing on his mind had been Satoru.

"Uh, well I found a physics textbook and started making sense of my Blue and Red and I guess Purple."


"Yeah, I'm not super sure but I think if I can collapse matter in, while at the same time expelling it out," He gestured grandly with his hands while explaining, "And condense that energy, that then a sort of black hole thingy might happen."

Geto's eyes lit up, not having considered Gojo to be so scientifically inclined. "Has that ever worked? Or is it just a theory?"

He recalled the moment on the stairs, "Yeah, but just for a second, and really small. Anyway," he ran both hands through the white hair, stretching, "What did you bring back?"

Geto manifested a curse from the ground up. Oozing out of the cracks in the floorboard, a batch of grey tentacles with eyes where the suckers should have been begun to sway like seaweed, burbling and looking in all different directions.

"Uhm, no," he said in a diva voice, "I meant souvenir-wise."

He tucked the curse back away, sighed, and from his pants pocket, pulled a small box of individually wrapped chocolates. "Here, you heathen." He tossed it gently, surprising Gojo, as he hadn't actually expected anything at all.

"Do I get anything back in return?" Geto flirted, in his own way.

Gojo pondered for a moment, "Hm, has begging ever worked? Or was that just a theorem?" He asked, quoting.

" I didn't say 'theorem,' so do tell me, what's the difference between a theory and a 'theorem'," Geto asked, leaning on his forearms.

Gojo laughed, short and sharply, getting up from the seat, filled with the same cocky confidence and flirtatious tone as what they'd been exchanging. He took the stool in one hand, walked around the edge of the table, and swung it down next to Geto's, who turned to face him.

"A theory is something you can conclude from a pattern or events or trials. A theorem is the proposal of an event, through demonstration." He sounded chuffed with himself, closing his eyes, chin up to the ceiling. Definitely not having just read that in the textbook earlier that day.

"Oh, so like this?"

Suguru was so sheltered from the world by his own command, with such a cold shoulder to everything, and it meant the result of nothing warm. Until this moment. He realized upon his first kiss, with the only person he'd ever daydreamed of kissing, closing his eyes and taking one of the pale-tinted cheeks in hand, that his lips weren't matte, but rather, sweetly slick. He couldn't quite tell why, but it made him want so much more.

The lips that to Gojo seemed slim and thin, just concealing sharp canines and wild expressions were surprisingly soft, and gentle. There was hardly any pressure or force from them, and Gojo could tell that it was his first. He pulled back.

"Suguru," he chimed quietly, "Are you okay?"

"I- yeah," he breathed. Geto looked at him like he sculpted the moon and hung the stars of a clear night sky. He found himself wanting so much from him and yet was still so content with just sharing a presence.

Gojo would come to find out that after such an exchange, he found it easier to snuff out residuals, knowing that within the hour, Geto had been at a certain place and trails of him lingered all around if he so searched.

"Tell me more about your research." Geto inquired, somewhat robotically, not thinking about much more than what had just happened. They talked about it and anything and everything else for hours. Shifting topics from whatever it was they were thinking or then bickering about. Occasionally popping one of the small chocolates, or in Gojo's case, tossing them into the air to catch hands-free in his mouth. One thing they both agreed on and talked extensively about was those higher in command.

"But don't you just think it's stupid? Having to hide everything we do from people just because they can't see it?" Gojo drummed a pencil of his on the desk. 

"You know full well the way I think about it."

"It just feels so tiring and pointless."

"No, I disagree." Gojo's ears perked up, "It's our job and obligation to help. Not only us but firefighters and nurses, we're all protecting the weak because someone has to."

"Well, I don't see why they can't just toughen up for themselves."

"You're starting to sound like a raisin, Satoru. I get what you mean, but honestly what we deal with, and help with, is nothing compared to how fucked up our hierarchy system is. They just use and use and use us like tools, over and over," Gojo noticed a shift in his eyes and expression, the light draining, his face downturned, "Just to help those at the bottom. I have no issue with it, the helping part, but we're not renewable resources. They can't just interview and hire more of us and yet they wonder why we toss the towel in and want to just move away. Start a new life..." He blinked, making contact with the watercolor eyes before him, "Sorry-"

"No, it's okay. I get what you mean, but kinda zoned out looking at the chocolates." A moment of serious nature never lasted too long between the couple.

Geto snatched the truffles off the table, "I'll give them back and you can have the rest after you eat a real meal and leave this room."

Gojo tsked, collecting his things and leaving  through the door Geto held open.

"Ah, there you two are. You're going to Okinawa. We'll have a debrief tomorrow morning. Meet me there before training."

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