Chapter 9

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Gojo sat with his hands laying restfully in his lap on the edge of the bed. "Yeah, catch." He tossed the small tube which Geto caught one-handed no bother.

"This is lip-gloss, you idiot." He looked at the half-full, shimmering, light-pink shade, then tossed it back.

"There's a difference?" Gojo asked genuinely.

Geto's eyes trailed down to Satoru's lips and he now made sense of the witchcraft that was the shine they possessed. "Yes??" He sat beside Gojo, who wore a pair of drawstring shorts and a lightweight crewneck. Geto removed the house slippers he wore, more obviously looking in a triangle shape between Gojo's eyes and lips.

"You want some, Suguru?" Gojo asked playfully, kissing him just a second after nodded confirmation.

This kiss was not just a moment, but an ongoing, continued action. Satoru pushed the bangs behind Suguru's ear, only for them to fall back down as he tilted his head, eager to have more.

They parted only to clamber clumsily onto the bed, during which, Satoru fumbled with removing his slippers.

His hands reached for the pillowcase behind his head as the kiss deepened and he whispered out the other's name. Suguru pushed a hand and ran it down his chest, stopping just at the drawstring of Satoru's shorts, playing with the bow gently. Suguru interlaced his other hand with Satoru's behind his head whose fingers curled into his.

Not stopping until they were in dire need to catch their breath, Satoru opened his eyes lazily to see Suguru's lips plump and pillowy, a pink extending beyond their lines, evident only of having been kissed feverishly for who knows how long. Suguru's eyes opened next and he scanned him lazily, memorizing everything he could, everything there was to know about his body.

They'd eventually made their way beneath the covers and into each other's tight hold, interlocking their bodies in a way that just fit.

"Satoru?" Suguru whispered into his neck, sending shivers down Gojo's whole body, not just stopping at the spine. He hummed contently in reply.

"Why don't you use your Limitless around me?"
Geto had picked up on the fact that for as long as he'd worked on his Infinity technique, he never once had it up around him.

Gojo replied, turning to face him and placing light kisses over his arm, shoulder, and chest.
"I never felt I had to. I'm surprised you noticed." He smiled mischievously, "Especially since you're on such a lower level than me."

Geto scoffed and splashed the covers in his face, which hit him without any force. "Watch your mouth, Satoru." He kissed it, and they smiled against each other's teeth.

Asphalt reflected the sound of cicadas. Wood absorbed the sound of a path-altering gunshot.

As soon as there was a break, it had to end. And the harsh reality of what their job entailed came rushing back. While others their age got college degrees and panicked about paying rent or buying cheap groceries, they had to deal with psychotic grown men who bore scars across their lips.

A stab the same crimson as the Torii gates above them hurt more from the sheer shock than pain. His mind acted before his body, and all organs were fine. He was foolish to let the Infinity down anywhere other than with just Geto. 

"SATORU." There was a low wail.

The wielder seemed to have vanished for a moment, and Geto rushed to his side.

"I'm okay!" They stood back to back, squeezing a hand together as they turned circularly. Geto spotted him, and from the same central spot on his body as what Gojo seeped from, he unleashed a worm the size of a bus.

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