Authors note

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     So... Hello.

Uh. This wasn't how this was supposed to end, I was setting things up for a political drama with the ministry fighting to keep order Dumbeldore both preaching and crying danger ("Wolf goes the old dog, hiss goes the snake" being a joke that would be further explained coming from a handful of sayings which an angry Ron had kept adding to as a tactic to rant and let his anger out in private which Theo and Ron would keep saying, being one of the few bonds of their old friendship which they didn't sever when they disagreed with trusting a slandered and isolated Luna's prophecy and - I'm getting off track)

     But anyway, I was working on what was supposed to be a Halloween special and suddenly I realized... I'm writing the end.

      I mean they were always going to decide to not join the chaos and just up and leave- which is sort of a theme in this book with the whole avoidance of domestication stuff- since Theo was staying in a society he didn't want to be part of to protect Harry and Harry was remaining in that society to be with Theo, neither caring much for the turmoil involved beyond how it affected each other and at some point they were bound to recognize that.

      The focus was supposed to slowly reveal how Harry might have been the lynchpin for the chaos to fully scatter, but how Theo had swept forward to mastermind, not letting any group get enough power to win over the others, growing close but ultimately burning bridges with everyone but the goblins of Gringotts in his efforts to free Harry.  Flitwick attempting to serve as a mentor figure for Theo despite losing his Hogwarts job with the ministry taking over schooling as Theo slowly buried himself in more and more work and distractions.

     But then it would focus on the goblins seeing the opportunity and beginning their next rebellion, but more covertly, weakening the groups as Mastermind and lynchpin both fade into the background and go off on adventures, sometimes with Luna who tricks them into actually dating by making Theo fear how they knew each other well once they all realize Luna and Harry actually had known each other. And they with sometimes  Luna or sometimes the twins would travel  around exploring, possibly including after all the drama ended scientific style journal entries, travel logs ,and such written and published by Theo- might still do this as one shots later on in a separate book.

So then the  focus was going to lean more towards Draco's semi-muggle crime ring and how they fear him because he threw away everything he could lose and fights like a cornered animal (his animagus form is a muskrat by the way). 

   The irony of the similarity in tactics between the Blue Cobalt- muggleborn greatness- and The Knights of Walpurgis- pureblood greatness.

How May didn't particularly care what she was saying or doing or leading, in part because of her animagus form not having any social instincts and in part because she hadn't moved on from her Ravenclaw days and was still driven by that fear and rage which the bachelor pad guys who had started manipulating Pompfrey had used to grow their cause and which she had then taken over completely. 

And a bunch of other stuff as the battling groups and their conflicts became the focus instead

But I feel an outburst in the room he'd spent so many hours confined, spying, and plotting in almost works better. Because Theo Nott who started Hogwarts wouldn't have done that, but the Theo hippo animagus is much quicker to charge ahead and with emotion and further drives home the point that was made... fuck.  The point that only partially was made about social animals- (Theo Ron the twins Harry Draco, etc. All would have had them) vs the non social animals that are stuck fighting with their new and old instincts (Snape and May- say what you want about the Cobalts, May was going to be just as much a villain doing it for her own ego and power as Voldemort is in this story to further drive home my their just reflections of each other bit) and how Theo's initial fears about animagus changing a person were so very right.

But uh... I don't want to deal with the complicated plot for the political drama that follows their leaving right now. I feel a little guilty but I didn't want to create something which would be rushed or hard to follow and that I wasn't quite satisfied with after all these chapters. So I'm ending it with their leaving instead of diving into the political conflict instead. 

I think it works rather nicely as the end too, given it's where Theo and Harry for the most part originally were supposed to leave the plot- idk though the temptation is there to make a sequel with a new found chosen one being selected via prophecy and then getting the pressure heaped on until finally it's too much and they flee to seek out Theo and Harry who have sort of become legends. Um... the idea is there and it gives me a new viewpoint to organize the multi-sided chaos which is the political brawl for power so I kind of really want to do it but... uh, don't hold your breath, I also know my history with sequels. Pantomath still doesn't have its sequel. It's been literal years.

If you're wondering which faction wins with my initial plan; none of them. Dumbeldore takes out Voldemort through proxy, Dumbeldore dying in the process, but not as a martyr, as a crazy old man. May gets revealed as being in it for the power and control like the cult leader she's become and Fudge and his ministry leave in shame as the unrest continual effects the citizens and the government continues to fail. Things settle down and there's no more sympathy for the goblins trying to be treated like actual people rather than creatures, the law cracks down on Draco although he makes it out more or less fine and things settle but which puts him in conflict with the Bulstrode's as he continues to break laws and they basically become the law with Dumbeldore, May, Voldemort, and Fudge now out of the picture.

The twins however finally get to settle down, having majorly protected people and encourage them during these battles they're well respected and can finally focus on their dream joke shop, and then you meet the remaining Weasley's who feel guilty and regretful but still won't back down completely. And so then they get their conflict, on top of being trapped between Draco and Ron's arguments with hints that they might work on opening a new joke store branch as a way of escaping being stuck in the middle as the ending of the story.

So... yeah...

  I'll post an edited down chapter of a handful of my story notes and plans for this if you're interested, even if I do create a sequel that shouldn't ruin anything since there would probably be changes from my initial plan... but... yeah.

  I think this is the end for this book.

Thank you so much for sticking with me for so long as well as for your support- as much as I hate to admit it, I'm starting to think that's the only reason my dumb attention span manages to stick with a story long enough for me to actually finish writing it- and I apologize for somewhat cutting it short.

If you're wondering why I'm sharing all this for the alternate possible ending, I guess it's not unusual for me to do a final authors note, but also I was really excited for the initial plan even though I choose this one, and I'm not willing to go through the mirroring mirror of fanfiction for my fanfiction's fanfiction. Not yet at least.


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