Introduction and voicelines

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~Hi this is my first story I hope you like it~

Name: Lucia
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 126 lbs
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Red

Character Info: A girl who was found on a nameless planet, she has not told anyone anything about herself and her past, as of now she is a passenger on the astral express

Light Cone: My Endless slaughter

I don't know what I like moreYes I drew her don't roast me

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I don't know what I like more
Yes I drew her don't roast me

I don't know what I like moreYes I drew her don't roast me

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Path: The Destruction
Type: Quantum


Battle Begins: Let's deal with this quickly

Battle Begins (weakness break): Die already

Turn 1: This is just a warm up

Turn 2: Get going

Standing Idle (Sword): My Blade is Sharp, I'm ready to spill blood

Standing Idle (Spear): Your Lucky I have a lot a patience

Switching, Sword to Spear: Do you know the difference between Ying and Yang?

Switching, Spear to Sword: Do you know the difference between Yang and Ying?


Sword Mode

Basic attack: Splatter

Sword Mode Skill 1: Your end is near

Sword Mode Skill 2: The Blood Moon Rises

Sword mode ult Activate: A Red Moon is the final thing you'll see

Sword Mode Ult Unleash: Die under it's glow

Polearm Mode

Basic attack: Ripple

Spear Skill 1: Your shifting the balance

Spear skill 2: Do you see the difference?

Spear Mode Ult Activate: My spear is what's going to decide your fate

Spear Mode Ult Unleash: With that in mind, Drop Dead!

Light hit Taken: Did a Mosquito just bite me?

Heavy hit Taken: Was that your strongest attack?

Downed: After everything... I've been through.....

Returned to battle: A second chance to be free?

Healed: I don't need your help

Technique: Hear me Blood Moon

Puzzle solved: The locks in the lab were- nevermind

Opening chests: Is this of any use?

Return to town: Are you tired? Go sleep then, Me? I don't need sleep

Enemy ahead: Let's send them to hell

First Meeting:
My names Lucia........I have no last name, I was never given one. I'm just a passenger on the express that's it, feel free to ignore me.
What do you want? Oh it's you, I'm in a bad mood right now. If you want to talk, I recommend waiting till later. The last person who didn't, got punched
Parting ways:
I'm leaving, see you on the express
About boarding the express:
............... I refuse to answer your question, don't bother going to anyone else either. They are just as clueless as you.
I don't have hobbies, I was never ordered to do anything, so I just sit in my room and space out for hours on end, though there's the odd time I will play the flute. Is That not normal?
Something to share:
You want me to give you a training routine? Who told you I work out? Of course it was March, well she lied I never use the gym on the express.
Why do people want to talk to me? They aren't getting anything out of it and neither am I so what's the point? I would much rather be alone then interact with people
About Lucia, Past:
No one knows and I plan to keep it that way. I don't want people to take pity on me
About Lucia,Past (After Jarilo-IV):
Never talk about what happened in the clinic with Natasha if you wish to live, I will not hesitate to spill blood.
Fine it's a deal, I'll tell you ONE thing but you have to hold up your end of the deal, if I get word of this going around, your throat will be first.
I have had bad experiences with doctors, labs, clinics, hospitals, wards, needles and people who I thought were trustworthy.

Let's just say when I woke up and saw I was in a clinic, my PTSD kicked in and I did the first thing I could think of to get out.

I'm glad Natasha has some combat experience, I would never forgive myself if I hurt her more than I did, Yes I did end up stabbing her but thankfully not very deep or in any vital points.

I'm afraid of what could have happened if you didn't wake up at that moment, No No No I would be able to stop myself before it went that far, right?
About Us (Stelle):
I don't understand you, your ability to handle such a high concentration of Nanooks power and not go crazy from it is.......... Not normal at all, Yes I'm talking about the Stelleron
About Himeko:
Yes she and Welt were the ones who found me, She said I looked about 10 when she found me, but considering it's only been 5 years and I'm already full grown, it's safe to say I'm older than they thought.
Regardless of what my age might be, I see her as a guardian figure.
About Welt Yang:
For the first year I was on the express I never said a word to anyone, in the end, I ended up talking to him first after sensing something a bit different about him. He told me about his home planet and taught me a couple of things that may come in handy in the future.
About Dan Heng:
He boarded the express about 2 years after me, I don't think he knew I existed until about a year and a half ago when he found me in the kitchen making tea.
He thought I was an intruder who had snuck on the train, we fought right there in the kitchen and long story short Himeko ended up introducing us to each other but not before we got a scolding for breaking her favorite cup.
We also needed to pay 10,000 credits in damages. We are on ok terms now, I mean he treats me like he treats everyone else and I consider that fine.
About March 7th:
She boarded about a week after the kitchen incident took place, I literally walked into the parlor car and saw a giant block of ice with a human inside along with Welt and Himeko who had a hair dryer plugged in and a toolbox sitting beside them.
I just turned, walked away and never questioned them
I forget the rest and I don't really know how to use the Wattpad app so please be patient with me! Also I don't know Roman numerals too well so it is most likely wrong


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